HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY295 [渡英271日] 2021年1月20日(水): 英語の勉強の日,Phonicsとtrick wordsの意味

 今日は10時からOxford University Language Centre の英会話コース1日目。zoomで開催されるために入室に手間取ったが,無事に入ることが出来た。通常14名コースのところ,今回は私を入れて6名が受講。 English for partnerというコースだが,実際には交換留学生など対象とは異なる人もいた。国も様々でイタリア,ドイツ,ブラジル,中国2名,日本であった。講義の内容については,著作権なりノウハウがあるので,触れないが雑感を記す。


 英会話が終了後,妻から学校の先生から息子の教育について返信がきたと聞く。このことでPhonicsとtrick wordの関係性が理解できた。むしろ我々にとって勉強になった。一言で言うと,日本人は,発音と単語を切り分けて勉強していたが,phonicsを知ることで両者がつながって認識できるようになるとのこと。したがってPhonicsを理解できると音で単語が書けるようになるらしい。ただし,例外があってそれがtrick wordsであり,Phonicsではカバーしきれないもののようだ。基礎的なphonicsを学んだのち,連語(ch, thとかだと思う)を勉強することで理解を深めるとのこと。多分,この人の動画がphonicsによる発音と日本語による発音の違いを理解できるように説明してくれていると思う。



 I took an online class about English for Partners by Oxford language centre from 10:00. The lesson held via zoom, so it took a few minutes to enter the room, but its no problem. Normally there is a maximum of 14 students at this course, but there are only 6 students here, including me. This course is for English for the partners, mixed like an exchange student, and a person working in Oxford. This class member came from various countries, like Italy, Germany, Brazil, China(2), and Japan. Though I can't write the contents down in this blog, I write the feeling after taking the lesson.
 First, the speaking speed of the teacher was rapid. So the person who came to Oxford recently had difficulty understanding, and there is a strong possibility of having various students in this class. Still, in my class, they're similar about English level.
 Second, about the time for the class. Though this class consists of 2 hours,, including 10 minutes break, it was hard to continue over 2 hours. Because my eyes have damaged to keep watching a screen, even though we have a motivation to study. That's meant the class for managers at most 90 minutes or 2 hours. The finding is useful to plan lectures and classes.
 Finally, the way to manage the class. The teacher used a breakout room and a shared screen with empowered the right to control the screen on zoom. Also, she used the last 10 minute to wrap up and reviewed chat comments.
We will meet for 2 weeks after, and I will do my homework.

 After finishing the English class, my wife told me the reply from primary school about my son's education. This email made me understand the studying Phonics and the relationship between Phonics and trick words. It was such useful information for us. In short, we Japanese separated studying pronunciations and words. However, studying Phonics, we understand both are interrelated. Then when we understand Phonics, we can spell the words judging from the sounds. However, there exists exception; that is trick words, such as ch, th, et al.. I studied English all day.