HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY296 [渡英272日] 2021年1月21日(木): コロナにかかる費用あれこれ(1/21時点),新しい査読依頼,Taberu(デリバリー:食べる),えんとつ町のプペル

 英国→日本 35000円×3人=105,000円
 日本→英国 35000円×3人=105,000円


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 13:00から息子が学校の友達とteamsをする。今日は,spaceman gameというもので,ブランクになった単語を当てるゲームで,制限回数以内に当てないと画面の宇宙船が飛んでしまうというもの。最初はルールを理解するのに手間取ったが,すぐに理解して楽しそうに遊んでいた。ただ,接続が悪いのか,参加しているお友達はいつもよりも少なかった。
 宿題が終了後,息子と一緒にハリーポッターLEGOの『レゴ(LEGO) ハリーポッター 禁じられた森:グロウプとアンブリッジの遭遇』を途中まで作成。あとは巨人を残すのみとなった。その後,息子とテニスをして『ハリーポッターと炎のゴブレッド』を観始める。息子も登場人物を理解し始め,系統だってきた。あと『えんとつ町のプペル』を息子に読み聞かせた。これは西野亮廣さんの絵本。絵本だからなのか,オチが読めてしまった。これ映画化される(された?)った聞いたけど,時間が持つのだろうか。あと,絵・文・監督は西野さんだけど,完全に西野さん一人で描き上げたものではなくて,チームを組んでいることが分かった。





Taberu Oxfordのお寿司。今のところOxfordで一番おいしい。



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 To change the VISA, we must temporarily go back to Japan, but it will take so much cost related to COVID-19. First, we must take the PCR test before boarding the aeroplane before 72 hours. It cost about 35,000 yen per person.
From the UK to Japan it costs

From Japan to the UK, it costs

and besides, if we want to finish self-isolation for 5 days, not for 10 days, we only have to take a PCR test, but it also costs
    total 315,000yen.

I wonder if we can utilise insurance about these costs.


 After finishing the Japanese government's isolation, we rent a room for self-isolation or ride on a taxi, which specialised for COVID-19. According to my wife, it takes 8 hours to ride from Osaka to Fukuoka and costs approximately 280,000 yen. Another taxi company can go to Fukuoka at most Hiroshima(it costs 170,000 yen).

 Thinking of the flight cost, maybe it cost over 1 million yen.


 Today, I was asked to have a peer review by a new journal committee. The "new" means that I haven't experienced a reviewer about this journal.
Though this article requests so many new knowledge to review, I accepted the offer to brush my ability up. (This may cause me to struggle.) Also, I did my homework for English conversation and handed it into the teacher.

 My son had a meeting via teams at13:00 am to meet his friends. At this time, he did a spaceman game, which filled with blanks within ten times. If we answer the question, the spaceship launches. It was hard to understand the rule, but he soon understood the rule and enjoyed it. Maybe the internet connect was not good, so a small number of kids attending the meeting.
 After finishing all homework, we started to make the Harry Potter lego series "Harry Potter Forbidden Forest: Umbridge’s Encounter Building Set with Giant Grawp and 2 Centaur Figures". We only left a giant creature. Then we watched "Harry Potter and the Gobrett of the fire". My son gradually understood the main characters of the movie.
Also, I read "Poupelle of Chimney Town" by Akihiro Nishino for my son. Though he wrote all of them, he formed a team.

 We ordered "Taberu", Japanese foodservice via Deliveroo. Sushi was a good taste for us. Certainly, this meal couldn't win the real sushi restaurant, but they taste like a meal sold in the department store. "Yakitori" is not grilled, but fried.


 QS World University Rankings reveals top 1,000 ranking. The University I work for was quite lower than a world-class university, the same as the university in Japan.