HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY171 [渡英150日] 2020年9月18日(金)午前4時の打ち合わせ,息子のイヤイヤ




 午前中の勉強が終わり,Green marketでカレーを購入し自宅で食べる。spicyと述べていたようにポークカレーは激辛。カレーを食べて初めて涙が出た。


 I got up at two am and started a meeting at four am. The main topics of the discussion were about data analytics using the questionnaire. Since we collected various scales, we could do some kinds of analytics, such as the role of the HR department from the view of social capital.

 In the morning, my son was a bad mood and didn't want to go to primary school.
The close to primary school, the worse the mood of my son was, and finally cried in the front gate. I'm worried because he is crying louder than other children. Is it a difference in education to my son, or is it because we are spoiled?

 After finishing the study, I bought a curry as take away at the Greenmarket. Pork curry is so hot as they said spicy. I cried for the first time after eating curry.

DAY170 [渡英149日] 2020年9月17日(木)初めてのガソリン給油




 夕方になると息子の友達が遊びに来た。お向かいの子供と共有地で遊ぶが,茂みの中に入って危ないことこの上ない。案の定,帰宅後にお風呂に入れた際に背中に擦り傷(木の枝で引っ掻いたと思しき傷)を発見。息子とAmazing spidermanを観始める。あれ,1作目はトムホランドではなかったっけ?


 In the afternoon, my wife and I went to refuel until my son went home from primary school. It has been twenty years since I have taken the license, so I was pretty nervous. Besides, because at the petrol station there are self-charging systems for the beginner of driving, it is so difficult to do that. Before driving, we checked a map and asked my wife to navigate the route.
 But, if we are used to driving, we can go to a rural area and broaden our activity. Anyway, at the petrol station, we were paying attention to static electricity. I got tired after I got home.

 In the evening, my son's friend came to play. He played in the commons space with friends, but it's dangerous to get into the bushes. Sure enough, when he took a bath after returning home, I found scratches on his back (scratches that seem to have been scratched by a tree branch).
 Start watching Amazing Spiderman with my son. Wasn't Tom Holland, the first one? Whoops, there was a reboot series.

DAY169 [渡英148日] 2020年9月16日(水)車のブレーキトラブル




英国・イギリスの交通ルール・運転規則・スピード・輸入車、運転免許 | Japan Cars UK Ltd|ジャパンカーズ(日⇔英の車輸送スペシャリスト)


side brakeの点灯。ブレーキオイル不足が原因だった

 I tried a test run in the early morning, but I am not used to it. Besides I am worried that there is little petrol.

 So I decided to refuel in the afternoon, but the ramp "(!)" didn't turn off if I pull down a side brake. To confirm what happened, I canceled to go to a petrol station and checked a car manual. According to the website, the red brake ramp shows a critical incident; we should immediately contact a car dealer.
 Fortunately, the guy rushed to come to us in the evening and charged a brake oil and fixed it. My son was looking forward to the ride, so I went around my house.

DAY168 [渡英147日] 2020年9月15日(火)息子の登校トラブル


 帰宅後は,車庫入れの練習をしたり,チャイルドシートを取り付けたりして雑用で終わる。Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsを観終わる。さて,2周目のハリーポッターに入るか。
 I heard that it was a hard time for my wife to send my son to primary school this morning because he cried hard and hard. He denied entering the gate at primary school, and it took time to enter.

 At the time of picking up, I asked my son why you cried so hard. It seems that it is better for me to drop off and for my wife to pick up. When I asked the teacher about the story after going to school, she said that he was in a good mood and was playing well. When I asked my son, after that, he was playing with his friends on the slider, and he was singing humming in English, so I'm sure he was enjoying it.
 After going back home, practice parking, attaching a child seat and ending with chores. Finish watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Will we start Harry Potter on the second lap?

DAY167 [渡英146日] 2020年9月14日(月)語学学校のトライアル,小学校を行くのをぐずる息子

 私はとりあえず英会話学校のトライアルレッスンを受けてみることにした。多くの学校がCOVIDで閉鎖している中,1校だけ開講しており且つAM対応ということで参加。街の中心地で自転車で10分程度。日本人もおらずにサウジ,トルコ,ドイツ,フランス,などの生徒がいる。今日は,現在時制と現在進行形の違い。具体的には,I live in Oxfordと I am living in Oxfordの違いなど。


 My son said he didn't want to go school in the morning. But when the timing of going to school at the opposite neighbor matched, he went out with joy. Though from today, the line to send my son changed by each teacher, he proceeded to the back.

 I tried to take a trial lesson at English conversation school for the time being. While many language schools closed because of COVID, only one school open. I participated in a class because they have an a.m. class. The school is in the center of the city, and its ten minutes' walk from my house. There are Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Germany, France, etc. Today we learned the differences between the present tense and the present progressive tense, as the differences between I live in Oxford and I am living in Oxford.

 After finishing a trial lesson, the time ends with washing a car, applying car insurance, payment for a car tax, etc. Today is OUNC conversation day, but unfortunately, I don't have time.

DAY166 [渡英145日] 2020年9月13日(日)BrownsのSunday special,車が届く。

 暖かい春のような天気。午前中,車の保険の手続きのメールをした後,天気が良いので外出しようとすることに。息子がアイスが食べたいというので,George and Davisに行く。息子と一緒にアイスを購入している間,妻は野菜と果物を買い物。すでに12時近いので近所のBrowns Oxfordに行き,sunday specialをオーダー。シャトーブリアンのステーキで£50するが,3人で分けるくらいでちょうどよい量だった。本当は,Gerge and Davisの前にあるpierre victoireも気になるがお腹がいっぱいで断念。


結構なボリューム_Browns Oxford



我が家にやってきた車。Toyota COROLLA

 It was Spring-like warm weather. In the morning, I checked the car insurance procedure, and we decided to go out because the weather was so fine. My son requested to eat ice cream, so we went to George and Davis; while my son and I bought ice cream, my wife went shopping for vegetables and fruits.

 It was already about noon, so we entered Browns Oxford and ordered the Sunday special. Chateaubriand steak costs £ 50, but it was just the right amount for three people.

 In the afternoon, the car dealer emailed me that it could be delivered today, and we prepared for money. In the evening, a slender man came to our house and had a car.
Finally, the car came to our house. I will be busy because I must apply car insurance and automobile tax transfers etc.

DAY165 [渡英144日] 2020年9月12日(土)HRM研究会(慶應義塾大学),散髪,Perchのカフェ,Jmails


 本当はこの後,佐藤博樹先生(中央大学大学院),守島基博先生(学習院大学)と続くが,息子が起床する時間のため,大湾先生の話までで断念。でも刺激になったし,小池先生の偉大さというか,昔(1960年代)からご活躍されていることに驚く。印象に残っているのは,Human Resource Development and Labor management(1987)にて,幅広い経験をしている社員を優先して昇進させることで異動に対する抵抗を減らす,というのは仕掛の論文にも使えると思った。また,『日本の熟練』(1981)では,長期の被評価者の観察により情報収集,企画力,根回し力といった「人格」を測定し,バイアスやエラーをなくしているというのはなるほどと感じた。








Jamal'sのカレー 3回目(たぶん)


 I joined the HRM research meeting at 5:30 am, at zoom. The research meeting is in honor of Kazuo Koike, who was the most famous labor economist in Japan. The research meeting has many prominent scholars Atsushi Seike, Souichi Ohta, Hideo Owan, Hiroki Sato, and Motohiro Morishima. On the way of research meeting, Takao Kato, who is the professor of Colgate University, told us the memory of Kazuo Koike.
  Because of the time my son wakes up, I exited the meeting. However, I was inspired to listen to so many topics and was surprised to know that Kazuo Koike has so many articles from the 1960s. Especially in his book( Human Resource Development and Labor management(1987)), a company evaluates the employees having broad experience about task means to be decreased the resistance of move to another section.
 A haircut shop visited at 10:00. It takes 4 hours cutting for three people. We all refreshed because of our hair cut. After taking lunch, we revisited Perch and to use a cafe. Though we entered the restaurant, there ware not enough seats.

   After going home, we delivered Jamal's curry because it was around 17:00. It's delicious, but the taste isn't stable, this time it was not so hot.

DAY164 [渡英143日] 2020年9月11日(金)Harry Potterブーム

 息子を小学校に送り出し,午前中は車の購入のためのやり取りをして『組織科学』のSEレターを投稿者に送る。気分転換に妻と二人でランチをすることに。今日はJerichoにあるBrasserie Blanc。ようやくリオープンしたお店でフレンチ。飛び込みでも入ることができたが,かなりsocial distanceに気を遣っている。フレンチながらもカレーがあったり,hamburgerがあったり,割と無国籍。とりあえずHamburgerを頼んでみたが,肉がジューシーで美味しかった。

French Restaurant in Oxford | Brasserie Blanc | Open every day





 帰宅後は,月曜日に出かける予定の場所の下見で英国で初乗り自転車。片道10分程度なのですぐに行けそう。息子の迎えまで仕事をしていたがご近所さんからゴミを出す位置についてrequest※があり,その話をしている間に息子の迎えの時間を過ぎてしまいダッシュで行く。ちょっと待たせてしまって申し訳ない…(寝るときに聞いたら「なんで遅くなったの?」と言われてしまった)。夕方,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsを途中まで鑑賞。最近,Harry Potterの本に興味を示しているのでこのまま読書の習慣につなげられればいいが…。




 After I send my son to primary school, I wrote an email to a car dealer and a contributor to Organization Science at am.

 To refresh the feeling, I went to lunch with my wife. Today, we chose Brasserie Blanc, which re-opened recently in Jericho. The restaurant was a french but had so many menus such as curry, hamburgers, and so on. Also, the restaurant managed social distance.

 After returning home, I took a preview of the place I plan to go out on Monday and took my first bicycle in the UK. It's just about 10 minutes one way so that I can go right away. I was working until my son was picked up, but there was a request * from my neighbor about where to put out the bin, and while I was talking about that, the time for picking up my son passed, and I run. I'm sorry to have kept my son waiting for a while ... (When I asked him at bedtime, I was asked "Why was it late?"). In the evening, we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows halfway. Recently,
he has been interested in Harry Potter's books, so I hope he keeps the reading habits.

DAY163 [渡英142日] 2020年9月10日(木)the mole,COVID新ルール(UK)

 今日から息子の学校がもう1つのクラスと合同になる。息子が小学校を愉しんでいる間,車の購入にかかる手続きや査読結果のコメントを作成したりで時間が過ぎる。15時に息子が帰宅すると,息子から今日あった出来事を尋ね,借りてきた本(the mole)を一緒に朗読する。学校の指針では本を読むことが推奨されているため,朗読をするが日本語の発音の我々が読んでもよいものだろうか…。
 残念ながらYear 4でCOVIDが発生したため,近所の公園で遊ぶことは避ける。それにしても朝もそうなのだが,なぜにこんなに危機意識が希薄なのだろうか??COVIDが発生したというのに当該学校への登校時にはマスクをしている親は恐らく1割程度であろう。
 前日には,ジョンソン首相が,新しい対策を打ち出した。social distance やフェイスマスクなどは,基本的なことだが,他にも注目すべき点は,以下の点(在英国日本国大使館のメールより)

2 「6人ルール」について
(1)9月14日(月)から,イングランドにおいては屋内外を問わず社交的な7人以上(no more than six)の集まりを禁止する「6人ルール」を導入する(当館注:これまでは異なる2つの世帯からの集まりであれば,人数の制限がなかったものが修正されることとなった)。
(2)ただし,1世帯のみの場合,あるいは,大人1人の世帯が別の1世帯と集まる場合(support bubble)は人数制限をしない。

3 第二のロックダウンの回避について

 これを見ると大学関係はそのまま開校されるだろうが,OUNCのような集まりを外で行うface to face conversationは中止せざるを得ないだろうなぁ。



 The primary school of my son starts to combine two classes into one. It takes time to write emails about the procedure of purchasing a car and about referee comments. When my son returns home, I asked what happened today and reads the borrowed book (the mole) together. Though the primary school recommends reading a book, I wondered that we Japanese should not read them from the view of pronunciation.

 Unfortunately, since COVID confirmed in Year 4, we avoided playing in the park. Even so, as in the morning, why is the sense of crisis so weak? Only about 10% of parents wore masks when they went to primary school even though COVID has happened.



DAY162 [渡英141日] 2020年9月9日(水)息子の学校本格スタート→year 4でCOVID発生


 しかし,夕方になると学校からyear 4でCOVIDが発生したという一報が入り,リスク分散のために分けていたクラスを1つ閉鎖するという。当然,関係者や家族も自主隔離になるのだが,兄弟姉妹がいる場合,前後の学年に飛び火して学校がクラスターになる可能性がある。そうなると先に述べた束の間の自由はまたなくなってしまう。帰宅後,Harry Potter and the half Blood of Princeを鑑賞(途中まで)。



 Sekiguchi, T. (2013). Theoretical implications from the case of performance-based human resource management practices in Japan: management fashion, institutionalization and strategic human resource management perspectives. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(3), 471-486.






 It was the day that the primary school of my son started in earnest. A full-scale start for six hours from nine am to three pm. For five months, from the end of March to today, we couldn't do our job during the day time because of childcare but finally released. After we send my son to primary school, we each worked hard. Because he is absent at home, we can go outside for lunch, but to save time, we eat at home. Anyway we can concentrate on the job! I really feel happy to spend time to do my job. I realized how valuable daily life (going school and working hard)is.

 When we pick up my son at 3 pm, I asked him about the first day of school life. Apparently, he did hide-and-seek with 3 children in the school yard. He seemed to be able to go to toilet with an assistant teacher. I think the first day was reasonably well.


 However, in the evening primary school informed us that at the year-4, there confirmed COVID-19 and one of the class will close to avoid the clyster. Certainly, the self-isolation and quarantine will required for whom related like family and teacher, but if there are a sister or a brother in the year-4, it has a possibility to spread the COVID-19 to the other year grade. Then, the things I mentioned above will disappear again.
After returning home, watch the Harry Potter and the half Blood of Prince (halfway).