HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY164 [渡英143日] 2020年9月11日(金)Harry Potterブーム

 息子を小学校に送り出し,午前中は車の購入のためのやり取りをして『組織科学』のSEレターを投稿者に送る。気分転換に妻と二人でランチをすることに。今日はJerichoにあるBrasserie Blanc。ようやくリオープンしたお店でフレンチ。飛び込みでも入ることができたが,かなりsocial distanceに気を遣っている。フレンチながらもカレーがあったり,hamburgerがあったり,割と無国籍。とりあえずHamburgerを頼んでみたが,肉がジューシーで美味しかった。

French Restaurant in Oxford | Brasserie Blanc | Open every day





 帰宅後は,月曜日に出かける予定の場所の下見で英国で初乗り自転車。片道10分程度なのですぐに行けそう。息子の迎えまで仕事をしていたがご近所さんからゴミを出す位置についてrequest※があり,その話をしている間に息子の迎えの時間を過ぎてしまいダッシュで行く。ちょっと待たせてしまって申し訳ない…(寝るときに聞いたら「なんで遅くなったの?」と言われてしまった)。夕方,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsを途中まで鑑賞。最近,Harry Potterの本に興味を示しているのでこのまま読書の習慣につなげられればいいが…。




 After I send my son to primary school, I wrote an email to a car dealer and a contributor to Organization Science at am.

 To refresh the feeling, I went to lunch with my wife. Today, we chose Brasserie Blanc, which re-opened recently in Jericho. The restaurant was a french but had so many menus such as curry, hamburgers, and so on. Also, the restaurant managed social distance.

 After returning home, I took a preview of the place I plan to go out on Monday and took my first bicycle in the UK. It's just about 10 minutes one way so that I can go right away. I was working until my son was picked up, but there was a request * from my neighbor about where to put out the bin, and while I was talking about that, the time for picking up my son passed, and I run. I'm sorry to have kept my son waiting for a while ... (When I asked him at bedtime, I was asked "Why was it late?"). In the evening, we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows halfway. Recently,
he has been interested in Harry Potter's books, so I hope he keeps the reading habits.