HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY165 [渡英144日] 2020年9月12日(土)HRM研究会(慶應義塾大学),散髪,Perchのカフェ,Jmails


 本当はこの後,佐藤博樹先生(中央大学大学院),守島基博先生(学習院大学)と続くが,息子が起床する時間のため,大湾先生の話までで断念。でも刺激になったし,小池先生の偉大さというか,昔(1960年代)からご活躍されていることに驚く。印象に残っているのは,Human Resource Development and Labor management(1987)にて,幅広い経験をしている社員を優先して昇進させることで異動に対する抵抗を減らす,というのは仕掛の論文にも使えると思った。また,『日本の熟練』(1981)では,長期の被評価者の観察により情報収集,企画力,根回し力といった「人格」を測定し,バイアスやエラーをなくしているというのはなるほどと感じた。








Jamal'sのカレー 3回目(たぶん)


 I joined the HRM research meeting at 5:30 am, at zoom. The research meeting is in honor of Kazuo Koike, who was the most famous labor economist in Japan. The research meeting has many prominent scholars Atsushi Seike, Souichi Ohta, Hideo Owan, Hiroki Sato, and Motohiro Morishima. On the way of research meeting, Takao Kato, who is the professor of Colgate University, told us the memory of Kazuo Koike.
  Because of the time my son wakes up, I exited the meeting. However, I was inspired to listen to so many topics and was surprised to know that Kazuo Koike has so many articles from the 1960s. Especially in his book( Human Resource Development and Labor management(1987)), a company evaluates the employees having broad experience about task means to be decreased the resistance of move to another section.
 A haircut shop visited at 10:00. It takes 4 hours cutting for three people. We all refreshed because of our hair cut. After taking lunch, we revisited Perch and to use a cafe. Though we entered the restaurant, there ware not enough seats.

   After going home, we delivered Jamal's curry because it was around 17:00. It's delicious, but the taste isn't stable, this time it was not so hot.