DAY424 [渡英370日] 2021年5月29日(土):Football club(3),Jericho Grill
Football clubの3回目。ロングタッチとショートタッチのドリブルを練習し,ペアを組んだお友達の股の間にボールをパスする練習などを45分間行う。その後,お昼ご飯にJericho TavernでHamburgerを食べるために予約をしたものの,お店の前に行くと,「システム故障によりお店は休業」とあり閉店。他方で,手前にあるJericho Grillが開店していたため,そちらを訪問。開店していることを知らない人が多いのか,お客さんは私らの他にもう一組がいるだけで最後は我々だけになった。土曜日のお昼なのにこの客足はヤバいのではないか?ステーキとHamburgerを注文して家族でシェア。
This is the third session of the football club. My son practised dribbling with long and short touches and passing the ball to the crotch of a friend in a pair for 45 minutes. Afterwards, we made a reservation for lunch at Jericho Tervan for Hamburger, but it was closed when we arrived in front of the restaurant due to a "system error". On the other hand, Jericho Grill in front of the restaurant was open, so we visited there. Maybe many people didn't know it was open, there was only one other group of customers, and we were the only ones there at the end. We were the only ones there at the end.
Our manuscript in English has arrived. It's so fast! Now I have to check it and upload it.