DAY404 [渡英350日] 2021年5月9日(日):Jericho streetの様子,息子のウルトラアイを作る,George and Davis,,Opera cafe,Fusion House
息子がアイスクリームを食べたいというので,George and Davisのアイスクリーム屋さんに行き,バニラとチョコのコーンアイスを購入し,帰りにOperaによってwrapを購入して帰宅。全部で7500歩の行程。街中は小売店がオープンになったことで以前よりも賑やかになったことに加えて,テラス形式であれば飲食が認められていることから,道路のちょっとしたスペースにテラス席を置いて飲食を再開している。またお店の多くが12時から開店することもあり,活気を取り戻しつつある。
お向かいのお家が息子を再びPortmeadowに連れて行ってくれた間に作業を行う。息子が疲れでダウンしそうなため夕方,久しぶりにFusion house(chinese)を注文。何か,料理人が変わったというか,作風が変わった??前に頼んだ時と味が違う気がする。全体的にかなり塩分が強く,食べきれなかった。
My son requested to make the ultra eys, which is the tool for Ultraseven. Though my son was a favourite to this, the eyes position doesn't fit him. (He confessed that he dislike that in the evening!).
We went for a walk to Portmeadow and Jericho street. It was warm, so many people were running and walking. I don't know the situation in Japan, but many people were running compared to Japan. Anyway, less than 10% of people wear a mask on the outside.
My son asked us to have the ice cream in George and Davis, so we bought a scoop of vanilla and chocolate. On the way home, we bought wraps at the Opera. We totally 7,500 steps' walk to our house. Jericho street was active compared to the last year because retail shops opened, and cafes and restaurants prepared for the terrace to take lunch and supper, which the UK government permitted. However, these restaurants open at noon, so it's better to be careful the time to go to Jericho street.