HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY336 [渡英311日] 2021年3月2日(火):論文脱稿,New Dancing Dragon Bar & Restaurant


 夕食は,初めてDeliverooにてNew Dancing Dragon Bar & Restaurantというお店に頼んでみる。写真ではダックと海鮮焼きそばだけだが,他にも酢豚ならぬ酢牛?とチャーハンを注文。味付けもそこまで濃くなく,日本人には合いそう。ただ,チャーハンが妙にパサパサしてたり,ダックの方は油がすごいなど欠点もある。全体的にコスパ(量)との兼ね合いで考えると,やや評価はやや下がるかもしれない。 


New Dancing Dragon Bar & Restaurant


朝のPort Meadow@Oxford。人はほとんどおらず。動物たちがお迎え。

 I had finished writing the revised paper, a new and old correspondence table in addition to the comment correspondence table, and send it to the editorial committee. The table was created at the editorial board's request, but it may be the first time for me to make it.

 I had ordered from "New Dancing Dragon Bar & Restaurant" at Deliveroo for the first time for dinner. Only duck and seafood fried noodles, but I had ordered other vinegar beef and ordered fried rice in the photo. The seasoning is not so strong, and it seems to suit Japanese people. However, fried rice is strangely dry, and the duck is oily.