HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY254 [渡英231日] 2020年12月10日(木):論文執筆中,Christmas card for staff



 午前中は,書きかけの論文の図表を作成しておしまい。明日からいよいよ文章執筆に入る。残された時間で自分の論文のデータ分析。今一度頭を整理しないと so what?になりそう。夕方,クリスマスツリーを飾っている家々を見るために近所を散歩。多くの家庭が家の外から見えるような室内にクリスマスツリーを飾っており,外から楽しむことが出来る。





 I got up at 3 am and worked. Checking the news on the web, Youtube will regulate and ban the "fake" posts about the US's presidential election because these posts are inaccurate. Because I got information from Youtube posted by individuals, this notice was a little shock. This may be the first step of ending Youtube.


 In the morning, I had finished making figures and tables of my treatise, and from tomorrow I will start writing. Using the left time, I did a data analysis of my treatise. If I don't sort my brain out, maybe this article will become "so what?".


 In the evening, we took a walk in the neighbourhood to see the Christmas tree.
There so many houses decorated Christmas trees, so we could enjoy the Christmas trees from outside.