HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY221 [渡英198日] 2020年11月7日(土)Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Parkで新しい友達に会う

 ロックダウン最初の休日。散歩のためCutteslowe and Sunnymead Parkに車で移動するも,カーナビが同じ場所でも異なる場所を指示したため,高速脇のパーキングに行ってしまう。そのため帰りは高速に乗って遠回りのコースになってしまった。
 帰りがえらく面倒になることに凹んでいたところにCutteslowe and Sunnymead Parkの公園で話しかけられる。どうも息子と同じクラスのお母さんで娘が「あの子友達だよ」ということで話しかけたとのこと。Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Parkと息子の通う小学校はそれなりに距離があるため,ここで会うことはないだろうと思っていただけに驚いた。息子は最初は恥ずかしがっていたが,その後,女の子と遊んでいた。







 It was the first holiday of 2nd Lockdown. We went to Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park to go for a walk by car. Though I set the map on navigation, the navigation showed the different parking we got used to, so I went to another parking place on the side of the high way. We must drive longer than usual.
 When I was depressed because of choosing the wrong way, someone called us at Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park. The woman with a small baby is the same class as my son's friend's mother, and her daughter said mon "that bay is my friend".
 We were surprised to ask someone at Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park because it was far from the primary school. She was delighted to see my son and talk about other parents and showed us around the park. She came from Poland and had come to Oxford in August after moving from Chile to Melbourne. When I heard that she had a routine of taking a walk on a fixed course with her daughter, I realized that there were various kinds of child education.