HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY187 [渡英165日] 2020年10月4日(日)デロンギ,インフルエンザ登録,Mamma-mia

 午前中にデロンギが到着。これで万が一真冬にセントラルヒーティングが停止しても凍死する可能性は減った。午前中は,息子のインフルエンザの登録を行うが,確認メールが届かないのでいささか不安。また,小学校のレターを確認するが,色々なプラットフォームで色々な情報が展開されるので,とても分かりづらい。例えば,担任の先生との保護者会もyear1からyear6の学年は今週あるようなことが書かれていたが,reception yearがどうなのかが分かりづらい。他にもクリスマスカードについてもどうするかのレターもあり,non nativeの我々にはいささか厳しい。

Mamma Mia Pizzeria - Oxford's best Italian restaurants - Pizza Pasta Oxford







 A Delonghi arrived in the morning. This reduced the possibility of being frozen to death if central heating stopped in winter. I registered a flu vaccination for my son, but I'm a little worried because I didn't receive a confirmation email.
 Besides, I checked email from primary school, but since they sent us various information in many ways, I couldn't understand easily, and so confused. For instance, on the other day, it was written that the parents' meeting with the homeroom teacher would have this week from year 1 to year 6, but it is not easy to understand what years they mentioned. The letter also about the Christmas cards is the same situation to the non-native.

 In the evening, we went to Mamma-mia, which had ordered as a delivery. It was still early in the evening. There were a few people in the restaurant and ate comfortably.
 The pizza seems to have won an award in the UK and is quite delicious. I ordered Margherita and special pizza.