HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY410 [渡英356日] 2021年5月15日(土):Kidlington football club,petro station,summer town



Kidlington football club


 I drove to Kidlington football club, where a football class for kids would hold. It took 20 minutes driver, but I was not familiar with it around here and was nervous. Arriving at 15 minutes before starting, there was no one. Though the place was certainly the Kidlington football club, the class hold the place next to the pitch. 14 kids joined the class, and we watched from outside the place. Fortunately, it was raining at the end of the lesson.
 On the way home, we went to the petro station. However, I went the wrong way, so we went back to the road. I was used to driving but was a little bit tired.