HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY179 [渡英157日] 2020年9月26日(土)車の運転,芝刈り

 午前中は息子が日本人のお友達とport meadowで会うということで,妻が出かける。その間に家の修理や庭の外壁の写真を撮影したり,その写真を整理したりで午前の時間が終了。午後は庭の芝刈りと手入れを行う。夕方になるとお向かいの子供と散歩に行くことになったが,これまたport medowに行くことに。近所への散歩だと思い,妻が行ってくれたが,結局途方もない距離になり恐らく3キロ以上歩いているのではないか…。妻は午前も午後もかなり歩いたためバテバテ,息子も度重なる運動でクタクタ…。


 Because I got tired on the weekend, I woke up 4:30 am. I returned the email to the graduate school student to return the manuscript and went to drive to practice at 5:30. After going to the GEE, I went to the park where my wife drove yesterday. Though it was easy to operate with little traffic, there was still some anxiety about the roundabout. Although there is a mode in which the car navigation system becomes hands-free in conjunction with the app, my iPhone couldn't do that because I only replaced a sim to my iPhone.


 In the morning, my wife went to the Portmeadow to meet my son's friends. During my wife's absence, I repaired the house, took photos of the fence, and sorted it out. In the afternoon, we will mow and clean the garden. In the evening, we decided to go for a walk with the child on the neighbor. In the end, it was a tremendous distance for my wife, and I think she was walking more than 3 kilometers. My wife walked a lot during the day and seemed to be so tired.