DAY359 [渡英333日] 2021年3月25日(木):#3英会話,PCR検査,the AnchorのHamburger & BBQ
She was living in Gearmany.(行動の断絶?を伴う,一時的な居住)
She had been living Germany.(ある一定期間のまとまった期間の一時的な居住)
She lived in Germany.(過去のある時点での居住経験)
息子を小学校に迎えに行った後,車で16:00から出国72時間前のPCR検査を受けるべく,サマータウンにあるMayfield Clinicにて行う。ここは前回も書いたように今回我々はプライベート利用のためにメチャクチャ高い。
この病院の検査は,鼻咽頭ぬぐい液(Nasopharyngeal Swab)と呼ばれるやり方で最初に喉の粘膜から10秒ほど採取し,続いて左右の鼻の奥の粘膜に各10秒ほどずつ採取。鼻が少し痛い。プールとかに入って鼻がツーンとする感じ。
帰宅後は,the AnchorのHamburgerとBBQセットを頼むが,いざ指定の時間に行くと誰のオーダーかが理解しておらず,今から「5-10分でできるから」と言いつつ30分待たされる。Hamburgerを食べると解凍と温めがしっかりできていないためパンが冷たい…。全体的に味は濃いめ。
I got up at 3:00 am and did homework for the English lesson. This time, I studied the tense, but it was difficult to grasp the slight nuance. Though I could not listen to what the teacher said perfectly, the differences were like that:
She was living in Germany. (interrupted by some actions: temporary)
She had been living in Germany. (lived in some period, but temporary)
She lived in Germany. (past living experience)
And I was relieved to hear from the bank that the backup application for the bank balance certificate in English, which had a different seal, had been received and issued successfully. Now we need to get the bank statement, and we will be all set.
After picking up my son from primary schools, I drove to Mayfield Clinic in Summertown to take the 72-hour PCR test at 16:00. As I wrote last time, this clinic is costly because we use it for private use. The cost was £285*3 people = £855*150 yen = 128,250 yen.
The entrance to this hospital near M&S in Summertown is not easy to find, and we have to go to the 3rd floor from the side of the main street and enter our birthday, appointment time and the first letter of our name on the touch panel at the entrance. We had made appointments at 16:00, 16:15 and 16:30 in 15-minute intervals, but the doctor in charge let all three of us into the room because we were family members.
At the examination, I was asked to present a certificate of examination from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which I had submitted at home, and to sign it.
The test at this hospital is called a Nasopharyngeal Swab, and the first sample is taken from the mucous membrane of the throat for about 10 seconds, followed by a sample from the mucous membrane at the back of the nose on each side for about 10 seconds each. My nose is a bit sore.
While the other two men went through the same process, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire similar to the one in Japan, asking if they had any taste disorders, any contact with people who had tested positive, etc.
In the end, there is a barcode handed to each of them. After entering the barcode No. into the designated URL and entering personal information, it seems to be output together with the test result. In any case, we have to wait for the result for 24 hours. If even one of us is positive here, we cannot go back to Japan.
After returning home, I ordered Hamburger and BBQ set at the Anchor, but when I went there at the appointed time, they didn't understand whose order it was and made me wait for 30 minutes, saying, "