DAY350 [渡英324日] 2021年3月16日(火):確定申告不動産所得×海外
深夜にWalking Dead Season10 Ep19を鑑賞。うーん,ガブリエル神父変わったなぁ。環境が人を変えるというか。今回登場したMayは何とターミネーター2で出てきたロバートパトリック。どうりでニーガンばりに妙に存在感のある役者だと思った。
I watched Walking Dead Season10 Ep19 late at night. Hmmm, Father Gabriel has changed. I guess the environment changes people. This time, May was Robert Patrick, who appeared in Terminator 2. I thought he was an actor with a strong presence, just like Negan.
When I saw a post on Facebook that "my tax return was completed", I thought, "What? it's due today?" and rechecked the deadline. I was relieved to see that the deadline had been extended to April 15 this year, but I wanted to finish the paperwork today since it would take a long time for my father in Japan to file on my behalf.
I completed most of the paperwork on the National Tax Agency's page, but the application for real estate income from my letting house in Japan was too complicated to finish. I had to calculate depreciation and other things, and now I was at the mercy of the "overseas" interaction.