HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY226 [渡英203日] 2020年11月12日(木)年末調整完了, the standard(indian restaurant)


 息子が帰宅後は,本を読んで郵便局まで車で行く。土曜日にブレナム宮殿に行くので少しでも運転の感覚に慣れないと。前回のミスがあり,車を運転することにまた抵抗感あり。またYoutubeで学習しないと。結局,私も妻もバタバタになってしまったので,Deliverooを頼むことにした。今回は,Jerichoの通りにあるもう1軒のインド料理のThe Standard。タンドリーチキンとタンドリープラウン,コルマ,Green curryを注文。タンドリープラウンが最も辛く,コルマはココナッツがふんだんに入っているのか逆に甘すぎな感じ。



The Standard。Tandori prawnが一番辛い(&値段が高い)

 I had finished the year-end tax adjustment on the web site. In the a.m., the only thing I did were this procedure and writing emails. After eating the early lunch, I started to use statistic data. It takes time and is a hard time to make dummy variables and synthetic variables before getting a feeling or characteristics of this data. Today, I just only touched a little.

 After my son came home, we read a book which my son borrowed from primary school; we drove to a post office. We will go to the Blenheim Palace on Saturday, so I have to get used to the feeling of driving. I made a mistake last time, so I felt a little bit nervous about driving, and need to watch Youtube again.

 We ordered Deliveroo. This time we chose The Standard, which is an Indian restaurant in Jericho street. We ordered a Tandori chicken, Tandori prawn, Korma, and Green curry. In this food, tandoori prawn was most spicy, and korma was too sweet because of so many coconuts inside.