HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY318 [渡英293日] 2021年2月12日(金): canal沿いを散歩,来週はHalf term








 来週はHalf termで学校がお休み。本来であれば旅行や近隣の国に行ける期間なのだが,コロナでそれどころではない。そろそろVISA関係の種類を集めないと。一時帰国と入れ違いになったら目も当てられない。



 From the morning, I rewrote my treatise. However, one of the comments was difficult to react to, though I tried to change the analysis method. But all we have to do is write honestly and say what kind of comments could deal with or not.

At breakfast, my son spilt the miso soup on the table. It was safe because it was already lukewarm.


 In the afternoon, we went for a walk across a canal. There is a promenade along the way, where you can see seasonal flora and fauna. However, the swamp is also covered with thick ice, and the scenery is different from that of summer. After going home, we watched "Jurrasic World survival camp".
 Since he had studied dinosaurs on the homeschooling, my son liked to draw and watch dinosaurs. The story was about the boys and girls who stayed at the Jurrasic Park struggles to survive. Though we watched season 2, we couldn't understand how long the time had passed since season 1. I felt a strange setting about the anime, but it was fun for adults, too.


 In the next week, the primary school will be off because of half term. If COVID-19 don't exist, we could travel near European countries. Let's prepare for the documents as to VISA. It will be trouble if the documents will return during our temporary going back to Japan.