HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY265 [渡英242日] 2020年12月21日(月):Port Meadowへの散歩,COVID-19の変異種



 Unfortunately, it was raining all day, but, during it was fine, we went to Portmeadow with my son. We went to a new avenue, so my son was excited.

 In the U.K., there found a new type of COVID-19, and EU shut out the people coming from the U.K. This new type of COVID-19 has a strong contagious, and though Health Minister Hancock warned that, so many people in London had gone to rural areas before lockdown to live with their family. So it will be soon the new types of COVID-19 spread all over the UK.
 If the Japanese government doesn't permit the UK's people to enter, we can't go back to Japan to apply for a visa. In that situation, it isn't easy to make a temporary return to Japan.