DAY284 [渡英260日] 2021年1月9日(土):パワポ作成(途中),Port Meadow散歩再び,指導学生の論文アクセプト
午後は昨日に続いてPort Meadowに散歩。昨日の氷をまた取りたいということで今日は袋を持参して散歩。氷を持ち帰り,自宅の庭でおもちゃのハンマーで砕いて遊んでいた。
Today, I got up at 4:00 am. Starting making slides for the seminar, I felt many contents are needed; simultaneously, it will take time. I got an e-mail from a doctoral student that his treatise was accepted to a refereed journal. I was pleased to hear the news. After coming to the UK, because I had checked his treatise, it was good news.
By the way, I haven't published to the journal that his treatise will publish.
In the afternoon, we went to Port Meadow again. My son wanted to take the ice on the lake's surface, so we brought a plastic bag. He played the ices using a toy hammer and crashing them in the garden.