HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY248 [渡英225日] 2020年12月4日(金):仕掛論文に着手





 Since I send comments about my doctoral student's academic journal, I started to write the next academic journal(co-authored). However, the journal has almost finished, so I have rewritten to shorten the number of characters exceeding five thousand letters.


 When my son came home, we found the notice about a tableau in his bag. This letter said we should prepare for costumes and props according to the cast. My son will play a king, so the crown and a white or black costume are needed. Owing to the letter, so many comments posted in the SNS, such as what extent to props should we prepare for, and so on. So my wife made a crown of paper. She is so dexterous.