HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY338 [渡英313日] 2021年3月4日(木):VISA申請に費やす一日






Express Airport Transport UK | Taxis for All London Airports, UK Cruise Ports and Train/Tube Stations, To & From Anywhere in the UK.


 I had prepared for VISA application documents throughout the day while interacting with the contractor for the visa application. In addition to preparing the documents for my family, I had arranged for an airport taxi and had arranged for the delivery of the documents to the father in Japan. Booking airport taxi has been completed, but the payment status has not been finished. Even if I contacted the 24h help service, the answer was irrelevant. When I checked the bank account later, the withdrawal is pending, so it seems that the process is undergoing.


 Since we have no house and no address in Japan, so when preparing VISA documents, we often think about where to set our home address and what to do with mobile phones.


 I decided to use this airport taxi because the site here was easy to understand and to book.