DAY157 [渡英136日] 2020年9月4日(金)息子の小学校初日
息子の小学校(reception year)の初日。英語が分からないけど大丈夫だろうか,きちんとトイレにいけるのだろうか,体調が悪くなったらちゃんと言えるだろうか,と子供よりも親である我々の方が心配してしまう。
帰宅後は,3人で庭のIVYを剪定して『Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire』を鑑賞。息子がハリーポッターだけでなく,ロンやハーマイオニーを言うようになったのが嬉しい。
It was the first day of my son going to primary school, the reception year. We parent worried that whether he could understand the instruction of a teacher in English, went to the toilet or not, and if he felt ill, he can say a teacher his condition or not. At 9 am., when we went to the gate in front of the primary school, a teacher sends each child to the classroom. After entering the gate, each child disinfected his hands and went to school.
It was the transition day, that's why he came home after 2 hours. However, it was such precious time for us to write an academic article. When we went to the school gate at 11am, he went out of the gate with smiling and said that he wanted to go here again. We ware released not to go to school. But when we asked him about the school, he confessed he didn't say anything.
After returning home, three people pruned the IVY in the garden and watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." I'm glad my son started to say Ron and Hermione as well as Harry Potter.