DAY156 [渡英135日] 2020年9月3日(木)息子の機嫌が悪い1日
夕方,家族で『ハリーポッターアズカバンの囚人』を観ていると,お向かいの子供が遊びに来る。ひとしきりLEGOで遊んだ後,帰っていったが息子は片づけをしない。「片づけをしないと玩具は捨てるしかない」と言ってようやく机の下にLEGOの作品を収納。明日から小学校(英国では4歳でpremary schoolがある)なのに大丈夫だろうか???
My son didn't listen to what my wife and I said all day. In the morning, we played kids tennis in front of the door, a newcomer's son joined our play. However, my son didn't play with the friend, and he tried to chase a cat and enter our house by saying nothing.
After lunch, he got angry and opened the door and then jumped outside without permission. Though my wife tried to bring him back to the house, it took much time. After changing a role with my wife, he said, "I'm OK! Don't come!" and run away with crying. As a result, a complaint came from a woman who lives in front of the place where my son was crying.
In the evening, when I was watching "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" with my family, the child across from me came to play. After playing with LEGO for a while, he returned, but his son did not tidy up. I said "I have to throw away my toys if I don't tidy them up" and finally he put the LEGO works under the desk. Is it okay to start elementary school tomorrow (starts from 4 years old in UK)? ? ?