HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY143 [渡英122日] 2020年8月21日(金):ダクトの確認,Babysitter11回目,新しい日本のお友達,研究打ち合わせ



 午後waitroseが届くものの,明日の来客に備えていくつか品物が足りないため,Jerichoに買い出しに行くが,息子がアイスクリームを食べたいということでいつものアイスクリーム屋に行く。途中,息子の自転車を走らせるためにOxford Department of experimental psychologyの前で行った際,何か撮影をしていたがよくわからなかった。


 In the morning, the property manager and the contractor came to check the fan in the kitchen, which was the most problematic (not for us).After confirming the work, we will have a smoke test on Monday with our neighbors.We ware surprised to hear coming at 8:30, not 8:00.

 When Babysitter took him to the park, as usual, they met the Japanese family who played the other day. My wife went to the park to talk to the woman. According to her story, her family came to Oxford in March with her three years son. My wife suggested exchanging the mobile number, but she forgot to carry her cell phone, and only give my wife's cell phone number(Is she vigilant?)

 During the sitting, we discussed our research flamework about T2. After all, I feel comfortable and fun to think of research. However, thinking of applying the bulletin and the other journal, we don't have enough time.T2 investigation is also an urgent topic.