HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY137 [渡英116日] 2020年8月15日(土):BRANCAへ買い物,お向かいの人が遊びに来た

 昨日,BRANCAに行けなかったのでバナナや諸々の食べ物を購入するためにリベンジ。お昼を食べるとお向かいの子供が遊びに来るということで息子も大はしゃぎ。昨日購入したMega Marbel Runのほか,自宅にあるミニカーやおもちゃで遊ぶ。その時,息子と同じ年の男の子が誕生日パーティーを明日の昼から公園で行うということでお誘いを受けた。もちろん二つ返事で承諾。どうやらお友達は4人で息子以外は保育園のお友達のようだが,少しでも友達の輪が広がればうれしい次第。
 とはいえ,前日のお誘いなのでプレゼントは用意しておらず,急いでArgosで準備し,wrapping paperを購入しに妻は近所のパーティーショップへ。もちろんお友達のお母さんは,急なお誘いだからプレゼントは不要と言っていたが,他の友達が持ってきている中に息子だけ持ってきていないというのも居心地が悪いので準備をすることにした。息子もゆくゆくは誕生日パーティをしないといけないだろうから参考にさせてもらおう。

 I couldn't go to BRANCA yesterday, so I revenge to buy bananas and various foods. After we had lunch, my son was very excited as the child on the neighbor came to play. In addition to the Mega Marbel Run we bought yesterday, they played with mini cars and toys at home. At that time, the boy of the same age invited my son to have a birthday party in the park tomorrow noon. Of course, We accepted it with no hesitation. There are four friends, except for my son, they seem to be friends in the nursery school.
 However, since his invitation was the day before, we didn't prepare any present, so I hurriedly ordered it at Argos, and my wife went to a party shop in the neighbor to buy wrapping paper. Of course, the Mon of the son said that we didn't need a present because it was a sudden invitation, but it was not good that only my son didn't bring anything while other friends were having it, so we decided to prepare. My son will have a birthday party, so let me use it as a reference for my sons birthday.