HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY134 [渡英113日] 2020年8月12日(水):Babysitter7回目,OUNC meeting


 夕方は,OUNC(Oxford University Newcomers Club)のcoffee meeting に参加。分科会は,読書クラブや編み物クラブ,会話クラブなど基本的にはご婦人向けの会が多い。しかし,海外に住んでいる日本人がよく遭遇するように,政治の話や日本の外国人労働の話などが展開され,意見を求められる。冷や汗ものの時間だが,英語力は格段に伸びる気がする。 


 It has past 90 minutes after our babysitter went to a park, she told my wife that my son wouldn't go back home, because he met a Japanese boy, and wanted to play together.

When my wife picked him up at the park, my son got a tantrum. He kept hands and troubles on babysitter's glasses. It took about 30 minutes of his emotion to settle down.


 In the evening, I attended the OUNC(Oxford University Newcomers Club) coffee meeting. There consists of many groups, like reading, knitting, and conversation group for madam.One of the facts that Japanese people living overseas often encounter is to be requested opinion. One of the main topics of the meeting is about the US political system and foreign labor force in Japan, so sometimes I was asked to state my opinion. It was difficult because I am not good at English, but I felt that my English was improving dramatically, and it was a very fun time. Next time I'm going to join a conversation group.