HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY136 [渡英115日] 2020年8月14日(金):Babysitter8回目,雨の中のバナナ,おもちゃ


 午後,雨が止んだ隙に息子と近所のお店にバナナを買いに行く。が,バナナは残念ながら売り切れており,BRANCAに行こうとしたが雨がどんどん酷くなってきたので,途中で引き返そうとするも息子がなかなか承諾せずにずぶ濡れに…。そのままお風呂に入って本日到着したおもちゃ(MEGA Marble Run:以下のアマゾンリンク)を作成。簡単だと思ったものの実は難しく,妻と悪戦苦闘。

  From a.m. the babysitter came to our house. Though it was about to rain, my son ans the babysitter went to the park. After coming back from the park, she tought us my son had taken the initiative with the four years boy and girl with speaking English.

  Babysitter comes from the morning to take care of my son. They went to the park in the rainy weather, but when I came back, the babysitter told us that he was playing football with a 4-year-old child who lived in the neighborhood, and he took the initiative to speak English. It's significant progress for the shy son, and I'm delighted as a parent.

 In the afternoon, when the rain stopped, I went to buy bananas with my son in a neighborhood store. Unfortunately, the bananas sold out, and I tried to go to BRANCA, but the rain was getting more severe, so I decided to turn back on the way. We made a toy which delivered today. Though I thought it was easy, it was painful, and I struggled with my wife.