HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY190 [渡英168日] 2020年10月7日(水)歩いて移動




 原稿の初稿が返ってきたが,かなり豪華なものに仕上がった。12日〆切だから急がないと。walton streetやGreen marketを見ると明らかに学生が増えている。特にアジア系(中国?)だろうか?多くの外国人を見かける。イングランドは,急激に感染者数も入院患者数も増えているから,もしかしたら留学生がそれぞれの国から戻ってきた段階で爆発的に感染者がさらに増えて,再びロックダウンになるかもしれない。とはいえ,COVIDを一掃するのはもはや困難で,共存するように考えを改めないといけないのかもしれない。人事管理もwithコロナになるのか,それとも慣性が働くのか…。


 My wife wants to use a bicycle, so I walked to the place where I always went to. It's a nice exercise for me because it took 20 minutes' walk in each way. One research says a proper exercise is good for a brain.

 The first draft came back and, it was quite gorgeous, but the deadline to rewrite is by the twelfth, so it needs to hurry up!!

 Seeing the Walton street and the Greenmarket, there are obviously increased students especially from Asia. In England, the number of case of COVID-19 is increasing, and at the timing, the students came back to England, it will be a strong possibility of the number of COVID-19 rapidly increase and lockdown again. However, it is no longer possible to remove the COVID; we may co-exist with COVID-19. As to HRM, I don't know there has come the age with COVID-19 or will have worked the inertia last for the future.