DAY405 [渡英351日] 2021年5月10日(月):milkを巡る長旅,息子の様子
昼過ぎになって散歩がてらmilkを買いに行く。ただ,portmeadowを経由したことで遠回りになってしまい,かなりの距離を歩くことになった。当初はHeyfield deliにて買い物をする予定であったが,ミルクがいつものものと異なったため,別の店舗へ。St Anthonyの近くまで行くことになり,約1時間8000歩歩くことになった。
After taking lunch, I went for a walk on the way to buying a bottle of milk. Because I walk through Portmeadow, it took time to go. I walked today for an hour, bout 8000 steps walk.
When my son went back to primary school, his face was scar. According to his talk, at first, one friend played with his son, but two more boys came to my sons on his back; they pressed my son and hit the ground at that time. Since one of the teachers intervened kids, my son was safe. However, because of being poor in speaking English, my son had stress in primary school. This morning, my son said that he didn't want to go to primary school, so he was about to be late for school. What has happened in primary school? I have to observe him and ask him the reason.