DAY401 [渡英347日] 2021年5月6日(木):10日目,原稿執筆
気が付けば英国政府が定めた10日目。といっても5日目でtest to releaseも受けているし,8日目のPCR検査も陰性だったので,何かあるわけでないが,10日目を迎えていた。いつも通り,息子を小学校に届けたのち,コーヒーを購入。
It was the 10th day of the quarantine, which the UK government request us to stay at home. Since we had a test to release and the test on the 8th day was negative, it was no problem. As usual, I send my son to the primary school in the morning and bought the cafe latte.
After coming home, I checked the article of my doctoral student and sent it with comments. Then I wrote my article about the diversity and way of working in Japanese companies. I made a table about the usage of telework per week and the usage of hours of telework per day.
The most number of combinations is 2days per week and 6-8hours per day, which shows 16.8%.
After my son coming home, my son brought us a letter written in Japanese, which means a friend said a baby was born from his mother. Though there were mistakes about Japanese characters, I was surprised to see my son understood what the friend said and translated the content into Japanese.