DAY399 [渡英345日] 2021年5月4日(火):8日目,PCR検査,学校登校開始,英国政府からの電話
This is a PCR test on the 8th day. In the morning, before my son goes to school, we had a PCR test. Compared to the previous test, 5th day, the stick was thick. Though my son was hard to take a sample from a nose, he got it without tears.
My son was pleased to go to school. When other parents and kids in the queue saw my son, they said, "welcome to come back!" and "how was the quarantine?" and so on. During my stay one year, since we build such a relationship, I was happy. According to my son, my son's class teacher introduced my son's return to Japan.
During my son goes to school, I planned to a seminar for a company. However, it took time. Thinking of my plan, I read the case "Megane super" on Hitotsubashi Business Review. This case was similar to the Lawson, which I wrote ten years ago.