HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY353 [渡英327日] 2021年3月19日(金):原稿書き,superhero day,ワクチン接種in英国の状況

 今日は息子の学校のSuperhero day.学校からの指示で赤い洋服を着せていくか,スーパーヒーロー(マーベルシリーズとか,DCシリーズとか)の格好をするか,鼻に赤いものを付けるかの対応をして学校に行く。息子はカーズの赤いシャツを着て登校。息子と小学校に行くと,割と「ガチ」な家族が多い。子供に全身タイツでMrインクレディブルの格好をしていたり,バットマンの格好をしていたり,スパイダーマンが3人ほどいたりと,ちょっとしたハロウィン状態。






It was a superhero day for my son's primary school. The primary school requested us for kids to wear in red, or become a superhero such as Marbel heroes or DC heroes, or something in red on the nose. My son wore a red t-shirt which was printed the Disney cars. When we came to school, there were so many "superheroes" in the queue. Some were Mr incredible, Batman, and three spidermen. It was a Halloween party.
 After sending my son, I went to the coffee shop in the rain, and then I started to write my article, which deadline was at the end of March. However, thinking of going back to Japan temporary this month, there is not much time. Because we have to prepare for luggage and play with me so at the weekend. I had finished writing two columns.

After my son's school day, the three of us went to drop off some clothes at Box, where we had recently found some clothes to donate, and on the way back, we stopped at a park to play. Surprisingly, there were about 20 parents there, but only one parent and we wore masks; the rest did not. It may be a custom here, but when the children get hungry, they are given snacks on the spot in a crowded situation.
 Also, some of my acquaintances have been told that they have been vaccinated. A mailing list has come that the NHS has started to make appointments for vaccination of people over 50 years old a few days ago. I've heard many people say that they feel exhausted after the vaccine, and one of my friends who had the second dose said that she had to take a day off work because she felt so tired. They must be our age by the time they come back home. There seems to be a distinction between hospitals (Pfizer) and pharmacies (AstraZeneca) because of the difference in storage temperature, but should we really take the dose?