DAY329 [渡英304日] 2021年2月23日(火):証明書の取り寄せ,ビザ更新と小学校の手続き
From the morning, I ordered the graduation certificate and transcript of the master's degree. I haven't ordered the doctoral certification yet. This time, The procedure is quite compact. As far as I can see, the procedure of taking a doctoral certification is complicated.
In the afternoon, a phone call came from primary school. My wife had asked them what kinds of procedures as to going back to Japan to switch VISA by e-mail and how to take a break from school. However, the conclusion is that at the moment, they only permit to take a break for up to two weeks. If we had to break over 2 weeks, the primary school would kick out my son. Therefore, the primary school asked us why we have to return to Japan. The primary school requests us a formal letter, but where can I get it? My wife asked the university whether the university could issue the letter for the primary school. If my son had to change the primary school due to VISA switching, it would be pitiful. (Because it is unconfirmed, it is necessary to be careful, but in the UK, the absence of children is likely to affect the evaluation when determining the ranking of primary schools, and it will be a severe response)