HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY328 [渡英303日] 2021年2月22日(月):3月8日から学校がreopen!,提出資料たくさん,課題たくさん,公園に人がたくさん



 今日は,half termが明けてchildminderに預けることが出来る。というわけで息子を連れて行ったあとは一瞬の作業の時間。が,Let Allianceの担当者から電話があり,英国で就業予定かと聞いているのだが,あまり聞き取れない。電話での聞き取りは相変わらず苦手だし,家にいることが多いので英語力が低下している気すらする。何とかリスニングを取り戻さないと。

 結局,電話が途中で切れたものの,メールが届き,VISAのコピー,BRT(在住許可証)のコピー,賃貸収入が分かる銀行口座過去6か月を提出せよとのことだった。しかし,賃貸収入のBank accountは,現時点では2か月分(日本語)しか出せないために,それと英文雇用証明書,不動産会社からの賃貸収入6か月(日本語)を提出。これで審査が通らなかったらどうしよう。また,自分の口座はECO通帳にしたので,1年間以上さかのぼることができるが,家賃収入を振り込む口座は,ECO通帳にしていなかったので慌てて申請。おかげで貴重な午前中の時間の多くが失われてしまった。これまで通りの手続きにしておけばと慣性と後悔が働く…。

 息子が帰宅後に宿題をするがとにかく課題が多い。もうすぐ学年が上がるから課題量が多いのか,工作をしたり,文字を書いたり,読んだり,audiobooksとかやることが多い。夕方までに宿題を終わらせて15:30頃に公園に行くと,そこにはたくさんの親子がいる。息子の友達とお母さんも5組ほどおり,そのうちの何人かの子供にせがまれて追いかけっこ(play tag)をする。一人の男の子の足が割合とは早く,かなり運動をした(それでも1万歩いかないが)。


 The news said that Primary school would reopen from 8th March(the formal announcement will hold tomorrow). The government judge every 5 weeks as to the other activities and regulations divided into 4 stages. I was relieved to hear the milestone.


 It was the day after finishing half term, so the childminder started again. After dropping my son off at the childminder, it was time to concentrate on my work. However, the phone call from the Let Alliance requests to answer some questions, but I couldn't understand in detail. I felt my listening ability would decline because of staying at home. I need to practise more to get the ability.

 After all, the phone hanged out, so she emailed to apply for me documents written below; a copy of a bank account to prove the rental income for 6 months, a copy of VISA, and a copy of BRT. However, the bank deposit account only shows for 2 months, so I sent the balance sheet from a real estate company(in Japnese) and employment certificate. What if the examination didn't pass. Also, I found I didn't change my bank account for rent income into ECO mode, though my bank account had already changed. Owing to this procedure, I wasted my precious time. I regretted to change the way to the payment.


 My son did his homework after returning home, but there were many challenges. As the year grade is about to rise, there are many tasks, so he has to do work, write, read audiobooks. When he finished his homework and went to the park around 15:30, there were many parents and kids. There were about 5 pairs of son's friends and mother. Some of them wanted to play tag. One boy ren fast, and I exercised quite a bit (although I still didn't walk 10,000).