HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY261 [渡英238日] 2020年12月17日(木):各種申し込み


 昼食後,息子の帰宅時間まで各種申し込みとメールの返信。APAのデータベース登録が切れるので,その更新を行い,Journal of Managementの定期購読の更新,原稿執筆依頼の返信,Oxford Language Centreの申し込み,息子の給食の申請(肉・野菜のほか,自宅から昼食を持ち寄る子供もいるために2日前までに登録する必要がある)。レポート剽窃ソフトのライセンス申請などをして終了。


 I started writing a treatise, but it does not progress. I used to see academic journals by paper, so I am not getting used to writing seeing the iPad, though it has past 8 months since we had arrived at the U.K.

After lunch, until my son went home, I did many tasks: renew APA database, JOM subscription, a reply to a request for writing a column, an enrollment to Oxford Language Centre, my son's applications for lunch, and registration for using the software.