DAY241 [渡英218日] 2020年11月27日(金):息子の学校再開,215
夕方は,デリバリーで215(Home | 215 Kitchen and Drinks)というフレンチをオーダー。しかし,半完成品で自宅でひと手間かけないといけないのだが,このお店の料理を食べたことがないので,どのような料理か想像できないうえ,誤ってそれぞれの袋に入っていた食材を全て出してしまったので,どれがどの料理のソースだか分からない。調理法のレシピの単語が謎過ぎてきちんと当初予定のものが食べられているのか不安すらある。味は美味しいのだが,我々はお店が表現したかった味を再現できているのだろうか?
Jessica Methot先生の対談:small talk について
My son's grade at the primary school finally resumed. It has already -2 degree Celsius, and the fog is even deeper than yesterday in the morning. In the morning, my son disliked to go to primary school, but just before the time to go, he had changed the mind, so we arrived earlier than usual. After going home, I could concentrate on studying. What a so nice time to study ( however, I have struggled with the analysis).
In the evening, we ordered the french delivery from 215, (which the name of a restaurant). Since there was semi-finished product food, we had to cook. However, we had not eaten these dishes in this restaurant and couldn't imagine the food. Besides, I couldn't understand the cooking words, and we took all the ingredients out of the bags, so I don't know which source is suited for food. The taste is delicious, but are we able to reproduce the taste that the restaurant wanted to express? I think it will be convenient if the restaurant has a QR code to show how to cook.