HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY234 [渡英211日] 2020年11月20日(金):息子のself-isolation 5日目






気持ち悪いくらい徹底したステマの5KPlayerは、本当に安全なのか? | ツールハック!


 5th day of self-isolation of my son. It was a half period(including Saturday and Sunday, we could count 14th days). But my son got up at before 6 am, so I had not been able to do my tasks.
We couldn't wait for my son going to school from next Friday, same as my son, so my son was tired of staying at home. That's why my son had been a bad mood.
On the other hand, teachers have done their best to make YouTubes to read a book and to prepare for materials to practise phonics on youtube. That is an amazing school.

 When I played a DVD for my son from Benesse, I found out that my pc had not installed a media player, so I checked what media players ware better.
I saw so many sites recommended the 5Kplayer; however, some sites said that the pros and cons of using 5Kplayer. Finally, I chose the VLC player.

 Though we cancelled Benesse education with going to the UK, I found out that the number of sentences was increased and changed from hiragana to katakana during this period. Besides, they have started to use difficult words to grow up having interested in natural science.