HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY217 [渡英194日] 2020年11月3日(火)Half term終了

 長かった息子のhalf term(秋休み)が終了。学校に行ってくれるか不安だったがさしたる抵抗もなく無事登校。息子が学校に行っている間に仕事,仕事,仕事。でも,途中で統計分析で尺度を逆転すべきではない尺度を逆転していることに気が付き,分析をすべてやり直すことに…。この数時間が徒労となった。

 The long half term had finished. I was worried about whether my son went to school or not, but it was no problem. While my son went to school, I worked hard with concentration. However, unfortunately, I found a mistake that a scale should not be reversed, so I had to redo the statistics analysis. I had worked in vain for a few hours.

 In the afternoon, the car was repaired, so I went to pick it up. But because the car parked in one way, after all, I made a detour and arrived at my house. The sales assistant said that the brake spring (probably) has deteriorated and they replaced it. The MOT in the UK can easily find out the history of MOT even when we input the car no.

 The previous MOT said that brakes had deteriorated over time. Although the MOT in the UK has high visibility on the web site, however, it depends on which shop we ask for the MOT, some shops investigate carefully, and other shops don't. It may be a matter of feeling, but I feel that the braking performance has improved.