HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY216 [渡英193日] 2020年11月2日(月)Double Rainbows,自動車修理

 イギリスの天気らしく不安定な天気。晴れたと思ったら急に雨が降ったり,風が強くなったりする。ただ,そうした不安定な天候の恩恵か,二重の虹(Double Rainbows)を見ることができた。二重の虹は見た人は,新しい飛躍や成功が見込まれるという都市伝説もあり縁起物(携帯の待ち受けなどにすることが良いともされている)。説によっては見えている間に願い事をした方がよいなどとも言われるがその余裕はなし。


二重の虹( Double rainbows)


 午後,修理会社から電話がかかってきてよく分からないが,部品の故障のため£123かかるという。命に関わる問題のためそこはケチらずに修理を依頼。安く車は購入できたが,保険や修理代,refreshers coursesなどを考えるとそれなりにコストがかかる。

 It was unstable weather which often is seen in the UK. When it was sunny, it changed rain suddenly and became a stronger wind. However, because of the unstable weather, I saw double rainbows. There was a rumour that the person who saw the double rainbow would be expected to succeed, leap, or graduate from something. That's why the picture of the double rainbows is a lucky charm, so people set the picture as a mobile phone. Although some say that we make a wish during the double rainbows appeared, I couldn't have enough time.

 In the morning, we moved our car which tends to have a problem with the brake system to the repair shop, where is near my house. There were a lot of cars on both sides of the road, so it was hard to park the car inside the shop. Besides, we called the shop in advance, but the clerk said it was impossible to park. But, we asked the guy that we were told to drop the car off in the morning. The lady who seemed to be the manager from the back said, "Then it's OK." After all, the person who could negotiate took all, I think. That's why the delay often occurred because the person who negotiated and interrupted the turn caused a delay from the original schedule.

 In the afternoon, the repair company called us, and I couldn't understand the detail, but it costs £123 due to changing the parts. I think it was a serious problem; I asked the shop to fix the car without being stingy. Although I was able to buy a car cheaply, considering the insurance, repair costs, refreshers courses, it costs a lot.