HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY206 [渡英184日] 2020年10月23日(金)refreshers course last! 息子のシューズを買いに行く

 いよいよ今日でrefreshers courseも最終回。2時間×10日で20時間乗った。再びBicester villageまで行き,途中複雑なroundaboutにトライする。市街での運転はもはや問題ないだろう。
 帰宅後は,15時から息子の友達とsquareで遊ぶ約束をしているので,それまでに市の中心地のwest gateまで息子の靴をバスに乗って買いに行く。明らかに初めて行った時よりも人が多い。
 また,街の途中に窓にテープで文字を貼っている部屋を幾つか見かけた。そこには"send me books and wine(beer)"などが書かれており,妻と話したところ,self quaranten(自己隔離)している人が助けを求めているものだという。市街地のすぐそばだが,COVIDの影をあちこちに感じる。上記のrefreshers courseも,車内なので指導員も私もマスクをつけっぱなしだし,息子のシューズを買いに行く時も入店時の消毒はもちろん,氏名・アドレス・電話番号・住所も登録する必要がある。







 It was the last day of the refreshers lessons. I rode in the car for twenty hours for two weeks. Today, I went driving near Bicester village. On the way, I got across a complicated a roundabout and managed to it. About driving in the town, it was no problem. After going home, we went shopping to buy new shoes for my son in the west gate by bus till the time my son will attend playdate with a friend in the square. Obviously, there were so many people than I first went here.
 Also, I saw some rooms with letters taped on the windows. It said "send me books and wine (beer)" and so on, and I told my wife, she said people who are self-isolation was asking for help. It is near to the city, but I can feel the effects of COVID. The lesson I wrote above, I and the instructor had to wear a mask during the lesson. Besides, when we went to the shoe shop, we had to wear a mask and sanitize our hands, need to resister our name, address, phone number, and home address. 
 My wife called a taxi using the app, but it was difficult to find where the taxi dispatched. After all, a phone call from a driver came to us and rode on the taxi. We are obliged to wear a mask in the taxi due to increasing the COVID.