HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY150 [渡英129日] 2020年8月28日(金)Babysitter#14,翌日のキャンセル →アシュモレアン博物館の予約

 午前中に明日会食予定のご家族からキャンセルの連絡があり。聞けばコロナの症状に近いためPCR検査を受けるとのこと。48時間で結果が出るものの,仮に陰性となっても体調が戻るとも限らないので大事を取ってキャンセル。息子も楽しみにしていたので残念。来週になると学校も始まるし,ちょっと予定が見えづらい。息子の予定が空いてしまったので,Ashmolean Museumを予約。





  I waked up in the early morning and reading books. But I read books concurrently; it takes time to finish. I will plan to upload a book review in my note.

 In the morning, we received an email from the family whom we invited today, that they want to cancel the lunch party because his husband has a symptom of COCVID-19, so they must take a PCR test. Although the result will be obtained in 48 hours, even if it became negative, it does not mean that a condition does always get recovered soon, so we canceled the plan. It was a pity that my son was looking forward to seeing his family. The School of my son will start next week, so it's just a little hard to plan your schedule.
 We booked the Ashmolean Museum because we will have time tomorrow. During the booking process, the desired time was filled up, so I hurriedly booked it up again. However, the email from the Japanese government said that because of the religious event "Ashuller" of the Shiite Muslims on the 29th, we must be vigilant against terrorism. Is the museum fine?

 My wife and I couldn't sleep because of the noise in the neighborhood. I can't help because I'm sleeping at 20 o'clock with my son, but I had to bear the loud voice and music till about 0 o'clock.