HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY141 [渡英120日] 2020年8月19日(水):Babysitter10回目, 漏水の修理,インセンティブ



 Unfortunately, because of rain from the morning, my son couldn't go out with the babysitter. However, he played with her using a balloon and a board game at home at the uplifted tension, and I sometimes heard him speaking English. My son has a good listening ability than me.


 In the afternoon, a plumber came to my house to fix the leaking water in the toilet. In the UK, because there is a job for each specialty, a person came to my house is different each time. He repaired the leaking point just only ten minutes. When the amount of water exceeds a certain extent, to release the excess water, there has a mechanism to drain water to the duct, and it seemed that water leaked from the pipe.The contractor fixed the tank not to exceed the water to a certain extent and close the valve.


 We made the fake coins made of paper to teach my son to bear and make an effort to buy the LEGO, hand, and gave it to my son when he did things to good. From the view of Deci's intrinsic motivation theory, there is a bit worried, but so far, it's working.