HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY139 [渡英118日] 2020年8月17日(月):Babysitter9回目,English conversation

 午前中にBabysitterが来るものの,息子はあいにくの雨により外出できず。自宅でLEGOのcity seriesでbabysitterと遊ぶ。

 14:00からOUNCのEnglish conversationがあるので参加してみる。メンバーは私を含めて8名だったが,すでに帰国の途についている人やこれからやってくる人,日本(2名),中国(2名)など,とても多様。主な会話は,せっかくOxfordにいるのだからどこに行ったらいいのかとか,おいしい食べ物屋さんとかなど。途中息子が乱入してきたが暖かく迎えてくれた。来週も可能であれば参加したい。


 The babysitter came in the morning to take care of my son. But unfortunately, it started to rain, and it was impossible to go out. So they played inside with the LEGO City series.


 There was an English conversation club fo OUNC from 14:00, I tried to participate in the meeting. There ware eight people, including me, it so diversified, that is those who had returned to their own country, who will come to Oxford, and who came fro Japan, China, etc.

 The main topics of the conversation are about where to go to Oxford, like a museum, restaurant, and places, etc.On the way of conversation, my son invades the meeting, but they welcomed him. I want to join the meeting next week if possible.