HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY133 [渡英112日] 2020年8月11日(火):【研究】原稿のチェック×2

 共著論文のWP登録のための最終チェックを行い,労政時報4000号記念特別号 『戦略人事イノベーション-企業競争力を高めるこれからの人事部の在り方』 (労務行政研究所)のゲラが届く。これまでのゲラ確認の中で最も精度が高いかもしれない。論文の中で用いた報告書や論文のウラ取り(=きちんと原著の通りか)がなされている。仕事がすごく丁寧で驚いた。

 Waitroseの宅配が届いたが,いまいち何を言っているのか分からない。トマト缶がないのと他の代替品は必要か?ということなのだけど今一つ確信が持てない。ちょっとショック。明日のcoffee meetingが不安になってきた。

I got up at 5:30 am. I checked the final check for the co-authored working paper and the manuscript of the 4000th anniversary of ROUSIJIHOU, which title is "Strategic HR innovation: How the Human Resources Department should be in the future to improve corporate competitiveness."

I think this publishing company is the most accurate manuscript that I have ever experienced.They all had checked the original reports and articles used in my paper.


Since it rains comparatively this week and next week, we can not meet researchers from Japan outside, so we change the place to meet at home. Her family has six years old boy, but is there no play tool for six years old children in my house, what should I do?


I received the delivery of Waitrose, but I didn't understand what he said; for example, are there no tomato cans, and do you need other alternatives? But I'm not sure—a little shock.It will be a coffee meeting tomorrow, but I felt anxious about talking with others a little.