HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY126 [渡英105日] 2020年8月4日(火):息子の社会化戦術



port meadow。牛がたくさん。



 自宅にRsearch in Human Resource Managementの最新号が届く。漸く論文が完成しそう。WPにも登録しないといけないし,助成金にも応募しないといけないなぁ。休職中とは思えない忙しさ…。


 My son may have a way how to get along with friends. As mentioned in this blog yesterday, we went to the park near my house to play the date. I think this is a way of socializing like a child.  I was impressed, and at the same time, I was delighted to see how happy my son was. Although my son can't speak English, My son copied the action of the friend.

   One more point I was interested in is that when a child did the wrong things like children do mean or monopolize the playground, adults scolds other children when they do. It does not see in Japan. When it happens in Japan, parents may ask their child to play in another place.

   A family near my house has two children. A boy is the same age as my son and class of primary school, and a girl is two years old. They go to a nursery school at Summertown (It takes 25 minutes' to walk on each way).  After finishing school, she takes their children to the park to play.