HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY125 [渡英104日] 2020年8月3日(月):【研究】AOM,Babysitter3回目

 英語の勉強をするためにAOMのAnnual meeting のmp4を見る。その過程でResearch in Human Resource Managementを見ていたけど,最新刊が刊行されていたのでamazonでオーダー。ついでにResearch in Organizational Behaviorを見たら,なんと無料でダウンロードできるではないか(ただし,2000年から)。とても有難い。








To study English conversation, I watched the AOM meeting at mp4. In that process, I found the latest issue of Research in Human Resouce Management, so I ordered it at Amazon UK. Besides, I searched Research in Organizational Behavior, and fount it on the web from 2000-2018(free!). That's very precious!


For translation software, Google translation and DeepL are so useful with using Grammarly. Using these two software, we can easily translate English into Japanese. As DeepL can use HTML, so we can copy HTML to DeepL.


It is the third day of the babysitter of my son. But my son was in a bad mood from the morning. He said he won't to play with her, and want to play iPad. A half an hour later, He told me that he wanted to go out. Around 11:00, they went home.


In the evening, he went to the park again with me. I was so tired because of running with him three times and playing swing. After going home, A woman who lives near my house told us, and she asked me to schedule a play date with our kids. I felt the way of a broad network.