HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY323 [渡英298日] 2021年2月17日(水): 『Star Wars Epsode5』,学校脇を散歩(行き止まり)

 息子と『Star Wars Episode5 帝国の逆襲』を観始める。息子にフォースとは何かを説明するのとオビワンが登場するのは何故かを説明するのはなかなか難しい。自然に存在するあらゆる力というようなことが言われていたが,ドランゴンボールの元気玉みたいなものか?


 午後,学校脇を散歩するものの,half termで学校が休みのせいか,学校フェンスの裏側を工事しており,元来た道をもどらなければならず,予想以上に歩くことになった。




 I started watching "Star Wars Episode5" with my son. It was hard to explain to my son what the Force was and why Obi-Wan appeared after his death. All the forces exist in nature, but is it like the Dragon ball's spirit ball?

 I started another peer review, but it was difficult to make a final decision on the one whose framework had changed considerably even if the dependent variables are the same. However, since the logic is unclear, I will point out that I was still worried about the one-point data even with Harman's single-factor test.

 Although I took a walk beside the school in the afternoon, I had to go back to the road because the school fence's backside was under construction, probably because the school was closed in half term, and I had to walk more than I expected.



DAY322 [渡英297日] 2021年2月16日(火): 査読1終了,『Star Wars Episode4』,水道管の破裂,公園での一幕

 3:00に起床して査読を1つ完了させる。この日は妻が英会話のため息子とお絵かきをしたり,一緒に『Star Wars Episode4』を1時間鑑賞。Epsode4は,1977年の上映だが,その後リメイクが加わったもの。当時ではジャバザハットがただの人だったと思うのだが,今回のリメイクで異星人のジャバザハットになっていた。





 途中,昨日遊んでいた息子の友達も公園に来て,5人の子供を追いかける遊びをしたところで雨が降り始めたため帰宅。夕食後は『Star Wars Episode4』の続きを観て就寝。





 I woke up at 3:00 am and finished checking the peer-review. Today, my wife attended the English conversation, so my son and I had drawn pictures and watched the movie, "Star Wars Episode4" for an hour. Episode4 was first broadcasted in 1977, but then made a remake. A human played a Java the Hat because of the technical problem, but this scene was changed into an alien at the remake version.

 After lunch, we went for a walk to the post office in Walton Street. On the way, we saw the water pipe broke and water leaking under the ground. Not only my son, but also other children were interested in watching the leaking.

 At 15:00, we went outside, because it was warm. When my son and I walk alongside the goal post at the park, we met my son's best friend. They played in a wooded area behind the goal post, but they ran to the park because they wanted me to chase after them. Arriving at the park a man told my son and me "How old is he?" "My son is 4 years old, let's play together", and he went to another place in the park. It was usual to play with children around this age because they could easily play with strangers. But what I was more concerned about was the parent's attitude. As mentioned above, he left his son there, and he was talking to his parents (and his parents-in-law) on the swing. I think he was meeting his family outdoors for lockdown, but if there were so many relatives in the park, they would have to take care of their kids by themself, and if he wants his son to play, one adult stays here. I was stunned when I came across the type of parent I had never seen before.

 On the way to playing, the friend who played yesterday came to the park and played with him, so totally 5 children, including my son, played tag. Then it rained, so we went home. Before sleeping, we watched the rest of Star Wars Episode4.

DAY321 [渡英296日] 2021年2月15日(月): 101 Coffee, 友達と遊ぶ,インターネット調査



 昼食後,前から気になっていた101 Coffeeに行く。Walton streetに行くと,必ずといっていいほど注文の列ができるお店で気になっていた。人によっては自分の家からマグカップを持ち寄ってくる人すらいる。写真にあるようにいくつかメニューがあるが,一番上のBatch Filterは売り切れていたため,Mochaを注文。風味もありながらも,少しだけ甘みがあり美味しい。行列になったり,これを買いに車で来るのも分かる。


101 Coffeeのmenu



Walton streetの街並み



 I woke up at 2:30 am and did my job. Although I started to write a referee comment, another editor asked me how long it does take to judge the paper. I wonder to what extent I should comment on this paper by reading so detail, but I thought I should comment on the treatise's main problematic parts. In the morning, I received an email to change how to pay a tenancy, and she asked me to send a document. However, since I didn't understand what kind of documents should, I asked her.

 During this time, my wife checked an internet survey. But she found that all respondents have the same increase in the working year, which means [+1]. Is it possible? Some are also mid-career hires, and others didn't increase the working year[0] because. She asked the engineer whether he controlled something or did cutting extraordinary scores. But he answered "No".

 After lunch, we went to 101 Coffee on Walton street. This coffee shop has a queue whenever I went to Walton Street. Some people brought their cup from home. As I pictured, there was some menu, but Batch Filter shown on the top of the menu was sold out, so I ordered Mocha. There was a good flavour and tasted a little sweet. I understood the shop was popular and had a line, and some came by car only buying this coffee.
 On the way of going home, I heard someone call my son's name. So we found one of my son's friends watched us. Then we played together in the near park. According to my son's friend's mother, who was a medical worker, it seemed more time to eliminate the threat of COVID-19.


DAY320 [渡英295日] 2021年2月14日(日): 賃貸の契約更新,水道管の凍結と錆



 午前中に家族でBrancaに買い物に行って昼食を調達。帰り道,道路から溢れているのを目撃する。水道会社も凍結による水道管の破裂を警告しており,もしかしたら水道管が破裂しているのかもしれない。息子が帰宅後,近所の子供が誕生日なので,予め息子が作成したプレゼントを渡しに行く。今日も午後から昨日に引き続き,息子の親友と遊ぶことになり,今回は妻だけが行くことになった。その間に私は部屋の片づけと査読対応。相手のお父さんがthe anchorに行って息子に飲み物(ベビチーノ:=カプチーノーコーヒー=蒸しミルク)を買い与えてくれたが,息子は中身を知らずに「yes」と言ってしまい,いざベビチーノを飲むを一口で嫌な顔をして飲まなかった模様。結局,妻が残りを飲むという事態になったようだ。






 I woke up at 5:00 am and upload the blog. I confirmed the tenancy agreement in the morning. Last year I prepaid the total amount (in the sense of gaining trust) because I don't have a bank account in the UK, but now that I have a bank account in the UK, I emailed the agency to change into quarterly payment.

 Also, we went to Branca to go shopping and bought lunch. On the way home, we found water leaking under the road. Water companies have also warned of water pipes' rupture due to freezing, and maybe the water pipes are ruptured. After my son came home, my neighbour's child was on her birthday, so he went to give the present that my son made in advance. Then my son played with my son's best friend, this time only my wife went there. In the meantime, I cleaned up the room and responded to peer review.

 In the evening, the water in the bath for my son turned yellow. Judging from the water pipe's rupture in the daytime, when the frozen water inside the water pipe melts, the rust inside may also be removed and output. However, the hot water supply in this house is set to be stored in the tank twice a day, so only water will come out if you use too much hot water.

DAY319 [渡英294日] 2021年2月13日(土):マルチレベル分析のセミナー(日本労務学会),ChildminderもHalf termという誤算 





 Bruce E.Kaufman, BE., Barry, M., Wilkinson, A and Gomez, R.(2021). Alternative balanced scorecards built from paradigm models in strategic HRM and employment/industrial relations and used to measure the state of employment relations and HR system performance across U.S. workplaces, Human Resource Management Journal, 31(1) 65-92.






 I woke up at 3:00 am to prepare for a multi-level analysis seminar. Unfortunately, my son got up at 6:30, so I had to leave in about two hours (4:30-6:40, until the break), but it was significant.

 We could estimate a dependant variable as below: Y = intercept + slope X + error in regression analysis. The multilevel analysis includes the individual variance by setting a fixed effect and a random effect for both the intercept and the slope and assuming a normal distribution for the random effect.

 Kaufman's latest treatise examining SHRM from an economic perspective. This time, He is discussing non-financial indicators centred on BSC. I haven't read it yet, but check it out.

 Bruce E.Kaufman, BE., Barry, M., Wilkinson, A and Gomez, R.(2021). Alternative balanced scorecards built from paradigm models in strategic HRM and employment/industrial relations and used to measure the state of employment relations and HR system performance across U.S. workplaces, Human Resource Management Journal, 31(1) 65-92.


 In the afternoon, the bag in my garden was covered with ice, and my son played with it. After that, we promised to play in the park with my son's best friend's family, so we went to the park. However, we had waited for about 20 minutes because they didn't come even when the promised time came. Are we punctual to time or are they careless about time? Anyway, it's cold, and if I don't move my body by chasing my son and my son's friends, my body will get cold. Immediately after returning home, I put my son in the bath.

DAY318 [渡英293日] 2021年2月12日(金): canal沿いを散歩,来週はHalf term








 来週はHalf termで学校がお休み。本来であれば旅行や近隣の国に行ける期間なのだが,コロナでそれどころではない。そろそろVISA関係の種類を集めないと。一時帰国と入れ違いになったら目も当てられない。



 From the morning, I rewrote my treatise. However, one of the comments was difficult to react to, though I tried to change the analysis method. But all we have to do is write honestly and say what kind of comments could deal with or not.

At breakfast, my son spilt the miso soup on the table. It was safe because it was already lukewarm.


 In the afternoon, we went for a walk across a canal. There is a promenade along the way, where you can see seasonal flora and fauna. However, the swamp is also covered with thick ice, and the scenery is different from that of summer. After going home, we watched "Jurrasic World survival camp".
 Since he had studied dinosaurs on the homeschooling, my son liked to draw and watch dinosaurs. The story was about the boys and girls who stayed at the Jurrasic Park struggles to survive. Though we watched season 2, we couldn't understand how long the time had passed since season 1. I felt a strange setting about the anime, but it was fun for adults, too.


 In the next week, the primary school will be off because of half term. If COVID-19 don't exist, we could travel near European countries. Let's prepare for the documents as to VISA. It will be trouble if the documents will return during our temporary going back to Japan.

DAY317 [渡英293日] 2021年2月11日(木): 幼児向けの問題,博士課程とのzoom,HRM cal for paper, Taberu

 朝,息子の小学校の出欠確認で rhyming(韻を踏む)課題が出され,以下の単語の仲間外れを探すというもの。正解は,crabなのだが,丸太の絵を見せられた我々は,当初丸太を"wood"もしくは"tree"と勘違いし,どれが正解なのか分からなかった。

 あと,HRM(雑誌)のcall for paperが出ていた。内容的にドンピシャなので,これは何とかして応募したいなぁ。後で要項を熟読しないと。
Relational Perspectives on Human Resource Management


Taberu Oxfordのお寿司と総菜。


 In the morning, to confirm my son's primary school attendance, the primary school asked my son a rhyming question, and he searched for the odd one out written below:

 The answer was crab, but when we were shown the log's picture, we misunderstood the log as "wood" or "tree" and did not know which was the correct answer.


 I had a meeting with my doctoral student as to treatise on zoom for about 90 minutes. First, I told him that the accepted proofreading manuscript would be finished firmly and instructed him to correct the current paper so that they can take advantage of the two-waves data. I want to work on the co-authored manuscript once it has settled down.


 Also, there was an HRM (academic journal) call for paper. The content really suited for me, so I'd like to apply for this somehow. I have to read the guidelines later.


 In the evening, I ordered Taberu (eat) again by Deliveroo. It was a Japanese taste, so it's definitely delicious in Oxford. But if you look at it in Japan, it's probably between the department store side dish and the supermarket side dish. I think it's perfect for people who have been assigned to work alone to place an order.

 The link above is an interview in the city for the student living in Oxford, but it's lonely that I can't see the past living when I think it was so crowded only two years ago.

DAY316 [渡英292日] 2021年2月10日(水): 絶賛査読修正中,折り紙文化で育った日本人




 息子が帰宅後は,息子と課題をして,snowflakesを作成する。インストラクションビデオがあるけど,折り紙文化で育った我々には簡単な課題だった。息子の小学校ではhome schoolingに際して毎朝,学校からの問いかけに対して出欠も兼ねてweb回答することになっているが,今日のは難しかった。いつもは2択だけど,今日は算数。こういうのは素直に子供の回答を書くべきなのか,それともガッツリ親も関与して正解を出すものなのか?他の親の回答を観ていると,「子供は○個,その後親も数えたら△でした」という書き方が大半。朝からそんなに時間ないなり。ちなみにガッツリ親が関与して正解まで導いたのは私たちともう1組だけだった…(正解は日本語の最後に記載)。








 I got up at 1:30 am, so watched "the Crown". This TV drama has 50 minutes but, it took 2 to 3 times longer to watch as listening material.

 After watching the TV, I wrote a book chapter a little until my son woke up. During my son going to the childminder, I rewrote my treatise. The referee requested such a detailed point, like showing the interactive effect's slope or the way to mention scales. I haven't experienced such types of comments, so it took time to fix. However, to be accepted in this journal, I have to overcome the comments. I don't have enough time.


 My son going home, he made snowflakes with my wife. Though there is an instruction movie, we easily made snowflakes because we are used to making origami. As the attendance, my son's primary school requests to answer the daily question every morning on the web. Today's question was difficult. I wonder what should we reply to these types of question. It is better to write my son's answer obediently, or should we involved in the process and lead the correct answer? Watching another parents answer, they said: "my kid answered there ** triangles, but after thinking with the parent there are @@". It took time from the morning.

DAY315 [渡英291日] 2021年2月9日(火): 非居住者の確定申告,オンライン授業への心構え


No.2875 居住者と非居住者の区分|国税庁

No.1241 非居住者に係る外国税額控除|国税庁

No.2873 非居住者等に対する課税のしくみ(平成29年分以降)|国税庁








 Let's me share the online lecture from the view of the teacher's side.
Thanks to the article, I found that it may be hard to check the students being late for and waiting for the lecture on zoom. It needs to reconsider the ratio of attitude.


 After my son went home from the childminder, we drew pictures of animals living in the polar habitat. However, my son was satisfied with drawing another shot, so I had been forced to stop the drawing. I wanted to have more time to draw. Then we talked with my son's teacher on Teams about reading and pronunciation. But my son embarrassed and said nothing. We have been introduced the movie to practise phonics. We decided to practise seeing this site. 

DAY314 [渡英290日] 2021年2月8日(月): 寒い日,岡本吉起さんのYoutube,『アクアマン』












 海外にいるからこそ自分(日本人)とは何なのかを知っておくべきだと考え,以下の本を購入。Refreshers Course(ペーパードライバー講習)を受けていた時に,イラン人の教官から「日本人のルーツは中国人か?」という問いを投げかけられたことが心に残っているから。当時は否定はしたものの,彼のような意見も多いので,きちんと知識を持っておきたい(それが,百田尚樹さんの本なのかは別問題としてまずはとっかかりとして)。




   There's snowing a little from the morning, so we carefully walked to the childminder not to slip with my son. The snow this time is a little bigger than Japan, so we can see the grain.


   I found Mr Yoshiki Okamoto's youtube is very interesting. He said so many stories such as secret stories of famous games like Biohazard series, Rockman, Street Fighter, etc. Also, he told his source of motivation, how to collect talented people to grow Capcom up, and how to think about hiring et al. Many things are familiar with human resource management theory. The story is fun and never gets tired.


 After supper, we watched the rest of "AQUAMAN". Umm, it was a story about a mother who had disappeared arbitrate the battle between her boys. I thought one of the causes of the chaos of the war is Queen.
 This movie has such gorgeous casts: Nicole Kidman as Queen, Dolph Lundgren as King Nereus( he gets old!, Rokkey 4 was so impressive), Willem Dafo as Valco, for me he is famous for "Platoon" and " Spiderman", Patrick Wilson as Ocean Master is the main actor of "Insidious" series, and "Watchmen". Anyway, I wonder if Nicole Kidman likes SF and horror. She had accepted mysterious offers like "The Golden Compass", and "Others".