HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY191 [渡英169日] 2020年10月8日(木)refreshers lesson,息子のKARATE



 There is no contact from the refreshers driving company, so I emailed another company. It seemed about the schedule that it was OK, but the first two hours needed to driving using a training car, not my car. Maybe I will practise in a driving school. Anyway, when an instructor doesn't admit to driving outside, we cannot go, that is the same system in Japan.

 However, in the evening, an email from the school asked me to change the time because of double-booking. It would be useful for me fixing the time every day, but it was a pity that the reservation time zone each day was different.

 My son went to a KARATE lesson from the evening because it took a few minutes' walks from my house. However, there were only three kids, including my son; it just a lonely situation. According to my wife, there was not KARATE, but the just exercise. The aim of going to KARATE is not only doing exercise but also making network but, maybe it was difficult to achieve the aim.

DAY190 [渡英168日] 2020年10月7日(水)歩いて移動




 原稿の初稿が返ってきたが,かなり豪華なものに仕上がった。12日〆切だから急がないと。walton streetやGreen marketを見ると明らかに学生が増えている。特にアジア系(中国?)だろうか?多くの外国人を見かける。イングランドは,急激に感染者数も入院患者数も増えているから,もしかしたら留学生がそれぞれの国から戻ってきた段階で爆発的に感染者がさらに増えて,再びロックダウンになるかもしれない。とはいえ,COVIDを一掃するのはもはや困難で,共存するように考えを改めないといけないのかもしれない。人事管理もwithコロナになるのか,それとも慣性が働くのか…。


 My wife wants to use a bicycle, so I walked to the place where I always went to. It's a nice exercise for me because it took 20 minutes' walk in each way. One research says a proper exercise is good for a brain.

 The first draft came back and, it was quite gorgeous, but the deadline to rewrite is by the twelfth, so it needs to hurry up!!

 Seeing the Walton street and the Greenmarket, there are obviously increased students especially from Asia. In England, the number of case of COVID-19 is increasing, and at the timing, the students came back to England, it will be a strong possibility of the number of COVID-19 rapidly increase and lockdown again. However, it is no longer possible to remove the COVID; we may co-exist with COVID-19. As to HRM, I don't know there has come the age with COVID-19 or will have worked the inertia last for the future.

DAY189 [渡英167日] 2020年10月6日(火)Writingのチェック

 少しIELTSのスコアの構造を調べると,日本の大学受験と似ていると分かる。ただ,ライティングやスピーキングもあるので,その辺はもちろん違う(日本も4技能を入れる入れないの議論があるが…)。ただ,日本の大学受験と似ているのは,繰り返しの練習とテクニックがモノをいう点。英語の表現も例えば,ButではなくHoweverであるとか,for exampleではなく,for instance,などを用いるというのはテクニックなのかもしれない。ただ,英語の実力をIELTSとかケンブリッジ英検などの外形基準で持つことは,今後外国のサバティカルを受け入れてもらうためには必要な時代がくるかもしれない。




 When I investigated the structure of IELTS, there were a lot of similarities to a Japanese entrance examination, though there exist writing and speaking parts.  The similarities are that the test required techniques and need to practice again and again. For instance, we avoid using "for example", but using "for instance", and not using "but", but using "however" and so on.
 In the near future, having some kinds of qualifications such as IELTS, and Cambridge English examination may be one of the qualifications being accepted as a guest researcher for a sabbatical leave, I think.

 At lunch, I tried to eat Miso ramen at SHIN ramen. Compared to Tonkotsu, I ate previously. It was easy to eat and delicious.

DAY188 [渡英166日] 2020年10月5日(月)車の故障再び。息子の小学校での活動

 日本でいうペーパードライバー講習(Refresher Courses)を受講しようと思い連絡をするが,来月と再来月までいっぱいの模様。他をあたるか…。でも日本の自動車教習所と異なるのは,自宅まで迎えに来てくれること。治安の問題なのか,免許がない人向けだから当たり前なのか,何のかよくわからないが,うれしいサービス。子供を連れて車で近所をドライブに行こうとしたところ,再びブレーキランプが点灯。車を購入した人に連絡をしたところすぐにみてくれ,いったん車を引き取るという。で,夕方に車が返ってきたときには,彼によると一通り点検をしたが特に問題はなく,ブレーキオイルの漏れもないとのこと。様子を見て問題があるようなら連絡をするようにということで落ち着いた。


 I emailed the Refresher course, but it is full until next and month after next. I will search for another school. When I tried to drive around the neighbourhood with my son, the blake lamp turned on again, so I immediately contacted the dealer. When the car returned to my house, he said that there were no problems and no leaking of blake oil.

 The primary school requested me to register for the system on the web, and I registered the prescribed procedures, so some of my son's pictures in primary school were seen on the web site. The other day, I was worried whether my son had got along with friends at primary school, but it may have thought too much.

DAY187 [渡英165日] 2020年10月4日(日)デロンギ,インフルエンザ登録,Mamma-mia

 午前中にデロンギが到着。これで万が一真冬にセントラルヒーティングが停止しても凍死する可能性は減った。午前中は,息子のインフルエンザの登録を行うが,確認メールが届かないのでいささか不安。また,小学校のレターを確認するが,色々なプラットフォームで色々な情報が展開されるので,とても分かりづらい。例えば,担任の先生との保護者会もyear1からyear6の学年は今週あるようなことが書かれていたが,reception yearがどうなのかが分かりづらい。他にもクリスマスカードについてもどうするかのレターもあり,non nativeの我々にはいささか厳しい。

Mamma Mia Pizzeria - Oxford's best Italian restaurants - Pizza Pasta Oxford







 A Delonghi arrived in the morning. This reduced the possibility of being frozen to death if central heating stopped in winter. I registered a flu vaccination for my son, but I'm a little worried because I didn't receive a confirmation email.
 Besides, I checked email from primary school, but since they sent us various information in many ways, I couldn't understand easily, and so confused. For instance, on the other day, it was written that the parents' meeting with the homeroom teacher would have this week from year 1 to year 6, but it is not easy to understand what years they mentioned. The letter also about the Christmas cards is the same situation to the non-native.

 In the evening, we went to Mamma-mia, which had ordered as a delivery. It was still early in the evening. There were a few people in the restaurant and ate comfortably.
 The pizza seems to have won an award in the UK and is quite delicious. I ordered Margherita and special pizza.

DAY186 [渡英164日] 2020年10月3日(土)原稿脱稿,中華のデリバリー(fusion house)




 相変わらず自宅にセントラルヒーティングが修理できていないため,デロンギを購入することに。寒いので前から気になっていたFusion houseをオーダー。これまでの中華の中で日本人の口に一番合うのではないだろうか。チャーハンもそこまで味が濃くなく,食べやすい。

Fusion House - Daily Info | Daily Info


Fusion Houseのデリバリー



 I got up at five am, because of being tired. However owing to concentrate for two hours to write an article, I finished writing. Maybe this paper will change as an academic paper just only a minor change.
 However, the paper must make hypothesises and the theoretical background to accept. Maybe it takes time to refine this part.

 In the morning, the kids of neighbours came to our house and played LEGO. So I hit upon an idea to make guns made from chopsticks. To make guns, I went to the post office to buy materials rubber bands and to send a letter. However, the post office closed despite open time at ten am.
 Anyway, I bought rubber bands to another glossary store. I made two chopsticks guns, but kids went home soon.


 As the central heating could not be repaired, as usual, We decided to purchase a Delonghi heater. It was so cold that we ordered the Fusion house that I had been interested in for a long time. I think it suite for the Japanese taste best in Chinese food so far. Fried rice is not so strong and easy to eat.

DAY185 [渡英163日] 2020年10月2日(金)英語プレゼンのFB





TIPS: というサイトで手元の携帯でクイズ形式で回答できるサイトがある。授業で使用できそう。メモメモ。

 I received feedback on my English presentation. First, at introduction, it should be simple and shorten the time, introducing the whole structure of the presentation. Second, when I talk to the people, it is necessary to use more rhythm or prosody.
I admit the second point, but it may be just right for me to overdo it.
 In addition, I took an English exam on a computer. Most of the questions were junior or high school level, like conditional sentences, subjunctive mood, past completion, and so on, which some of them I have forgotten, so I was not satisfied with the results.

 At lunch, we had an international party with friends. They come from Saudi, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, and the U.K. I brought a seafood snack from Japan, but some people ordered a delivery. I regretted that I didn't hit upon this idea.

 I ran on a bicycle in the rain, so my whole body got soaked. I have had many things to do: to drive my car, to join PTA, and to apply the flu vaccination of my son.


 Tips; kahoot. It is useful for the lecture. It is easy for students to join the quiz using an iPhone.

DAY184 [渡英162日] 2020年10月1日(木)自分のプレゼンを観る機会






   I watched my English presentation in a movie. Whats a terrible and poor English speaking! Though I understand my pronunciation is terrible, because of speaking without rhythm( prosody), it was a pretty flat impression. On the other hand, I feel I am used to having an English presentation.


   Today, my son and wife made a cake, so we ate it. Though the oven of my house didn't work well, it was delicious because it was less sweet compare than the British cake.


    Listening to the story of my son and his friend, I am anxious for his primary school life. The letter from the class teacher said that he didn't say anything during primary school, and his friend asked my wife "what is the true name of him?" Because my son didn't react to his call. I wonder if my son is a strange boy in primary school. I may need to train his English.

DAY183 [渡英161日] 2020年9月30日(水)セントラルヒーティングの故障



↓ 荷物の追跡として記載されているアプリ(17Track)の評価サイト。詐欺ということが分かる。他にも「17」ではなく,13Trackなどもある。

 Facebookの広告だからと思い購入したのに,詐欺の温床になっている。どうにかならないものだろうか。未だにこのサイトは存在する。LEGOが70%とか80% offになっていたら要注意。

 Central heating is not available from the morning. The boiler lamp blinked and did not work out. My wife called the property manager to arrange to a constructor in the afternoon during my absence. However, because the fan in the boiler is out of order, if there is a spare part exist in the stock, it will be replaced immediately, but if not, it will take a while. And the guy never to return on this day.

 Regarding the cold, although he was absent after all, the other members who were sitting face-to-face also came without problems the next day, so it was supposed to be just a cold, and the isolation at home was released.

 After returning home, we found out that the Lego I asked for my son did not arrive, and when I looked at it again, I found that this was a fraudulent site, and it turned out that there were many victims. I asked for Lego, like me, but it seems that socks or shoes have arrived from China. I bought it because I thought it was an advertisement on Facebook, but it is a hotbed of fraud. What can't be done?

DAY182 [渡英160日] 2020年9月29日(火)知人の風邪とCOVID。Kebab King

 昼食はGreen marketにあるケバブ屋さんでケバブをtake away。subwayのサンドイッチのように中に入れる野菜を色々と選べるので楽しい。結構親切で色々入れてくれた。

Kebab King | Kebab King, Oxford, Oxford, Takeaway Order Online


 When I told my wife that one of my acquaintance was absent because of catching a cold, she was surprised and requested me to self-isolate at home. Certainly, if I confirmed COVID-19, there terrible the spillover will happen, so I follow her advice, I wore a mask and stayed in one room as much as I can. However, the son who cannot understand the situation suddenly becomes unable to play with his father and seems to be lonely.